Completed TPO Studies
107th Avenue Pedestrian and Transit Greenways Corridor Study 2002
Explore the construction of a pedestrian transit greenway along 107th Avenue from Flagler Street to SW 8th Street, in the City of Sweetwater.
- Work by Florida International University
- Managed by David Henderson
137th Avenue Corridor Study 2005
Feasibility of making SW 137th Avenue into a major north/south corridor between the City of Homestead and central Miami-Dade County.
- 137th Avenue Corridor Study Final Report and Executive Summary, 6/2007
- 137th Avenue Corridor Study Typical Sections, 8/2006
- SW 137th Avenue Corridor Study (From SW 184th Street to Turnpike Extension), 2/2005
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
2024 Freight Plan Update
The Miami-Dade TPO updates the Miami-Dade County Freight Plan on a regular basis in alignment with the TPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) update. In addition to developing a list of projects for funding consideration within the LRTP, this report highlights the importance of freight mobility in Miami-Dade County and documents how the county’s freight industry has evolved over time.
- Work by Parsons Transportation Group
- Managed by Kevin Walford
79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative 2002
Also called 79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan or 79th Street Corridor Urban Study. To transform the portion of 79th Street between NW 22nd Avenue and 42 Avenue into a cohesive neighborhood. This includes mixed use transit oriented development, dedicated bus facilities, a kiss-and-ride facility, parking and the relocation of the Amtrak station, and a redevelopment of the Northside Shopping Center. The work was directed by the 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative, a partnership of non-profit economic development agencies.
- 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative (79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan), 12/2003
- 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative (79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan) Data and Research Summary Report DRAFT, 11/2002 (Coming soon)
- 79th Street Corridor Neighborhood Initiative (79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan) presentation, 12/2003
- 79th Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan Transportation Analysis Draft Report, 9/2002
- Work by Zyscovich, Inc
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Access to SW 137th Avenue to and from SR-874 Study 2001
Feasibility of creating a connection between SW 137th Avenue and State Road 874 also known as the Don Shula Expressway.
- Access to SW 137th Avenue to and from SR 874 (Don Shula Expressway) Executive Summary, 4/2002
- Access to SW 137th Avenue to and from SR 874 (Don Shula Expressway) Final Report, 4/2002
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
2040 Regional Transportation Plan 2013
This plan provides a prioritized set of highway and transit improvements for Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties recognizing the regional characteristics of many travel needs. Miami-Dade's share is $150,000 with remaining amount being provided in equal parts by the Broward and Palm Beach MPOs.
- Work by Kittleson and Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study 2009
The objective of this study is to evaluate T-intersections that can be converted to turbo lanes within the county boundaries. The budgeted cost includes 10% for contingencies.
- Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Appendices, 5/2010
- Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Executive Summary, 5/2010
- Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Presentation, 5/2010
- Adding Turbo Lanes to T-intersections Study Report, 5/2010
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Addressing Compliance of 2045 LRTP Update with Federal, State, Regional and Local Requirements 2017
The objective of this study is to review, evaluate, and recommend new policies, programs and trends that evolved at the federal, state, regional and local levels since development of the current 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Current laws applicable to LRTPs were reviewed and evaluated. New requirements have been identified and evaluated as to how they will need to be applied to the upcoming 2045 LRTP. At the Federal level, there are many factors to consider that have a direct impact on the planning process at the state and local level. Federal and State statutes outline the required elements of MPO Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs).
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by David Henderson
Aerial Cable Transit (ACT) Feasibility Study 2014
Evaluate feasibility of Aerial Cable Transit (ACT) systems such as Gondola or Gondola Monorail to connect Florida International University (FIU), Miami Intermodal Center (MIC), Marlins Park, Health District, Downtown Miami, and Miami Beach. The study will also include a preliminary evaluation of alternate project delivery mechanisms such as various forms of Public-Private Partnership (P3).
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Jitender Ramchandani
Aesthetic Guidelines for Transportation Projects in Miami-Dade County 2009
Develop a set of countywide aesthetics guidelines and best practices to assist transportation agencies, project managers and consultants, as to how aesthetics can be incorporated into transportation projects.
- Aesthetics Guidance and Action Plan for Transportation Projects in Miami-Dade County, 11/2011
- Aesthetics Guidance and Action Plan for Transportation Projects presentation, 1/2011
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Aging Road Users Strategic Safety Plan 2017
This is to improve the safety and mobility of the County's aging road users by reducing their fatalities, serious injuries, and crashes, while maintaining their mobility and independence. An "aging road user" is a driver, passenger, pedestrian, bicyclist, transit rider, motorcyclist, or operator of a non-motorized vehicle, who is 65 years of age and older.
- Aging Road Users Strategic Safety Plan Executive Summary, 11/2017
- Aging Road Users Strategic Safety Plan Final Report, 11/2017
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by David Henderson
Airport Area Multimodal Access Study 1991
Identify the benefits of improved intermodal connections and improved access to MIA and other major employment centers. This study develops the concept of the Multimodal Access Facility, analyzes and evaluates alternative site locations and formulates a feasible development plan.
- Airport Area Multimodal Access Study Final Report, 4/1992
- Airport Area Multimodal Access Study Final Report Executive Summary 1992
- Work by Frederic R Harris
- Managed by Miami-Dade MPO
Application of CMP Strategies in Miami-Dade County 2012
Apply the strategies developed in the CMP to projects along congested corridors in the FY 2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
- Application of Congestion Management Process (CMP) Strategies in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 7/2013
- Application of Congestion Management Process (CMP) Strategies in Miami-Dade County Final Report, 7/2013
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Application of Innovative Strategies for Bicycle Safety 2012
Also known as "Application of Innovative Strategies to Improve Bicycle Safety and Mobility". Develop innovative solutions to bicycle transportation access, safety, and capacity problems including recommendations of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design Guide and recent experience with bicycle transportation experts from the Netherlands.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Arterial Grid Network Analysis 2006
Intended to determine whether improvements could be made to the grid system as a long-term traffic congestion relief measure, rather than stop-gap improvements that may slightly improve traffic flow in one corridor while potentially "shifting" the problem to a different corridor.
- Arterial Grid Analysis Study Executive Summary 2007
- Arterial Grid Analysis Study Final Report, 3/2007
- Arterial Grid Analysis Study presentation 2007
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Arterial Grid Network Analysis Phase II 2013
This study will update information on existing arterial network conditions and assess future arterial needs for recommendations supporting the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan development.
- Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Appendices, 1/2014
- Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Executive Summary, 1/2014
- Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Final Report, 1/2014
- Arterial Grid Analysis Phase II Presentation, 1/2014
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Automated Bicycle Rental System and Parking Plan 2009
This study will evaluate the feasibility of implementing a self-service bicycle rental system and a bicycle parking transit center. The scope of work also includes development of uniform design standards for bicycle racks.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Aventura-Ojus Mobility and Access Study 2020
The goal of this study is to recommend connectivity, mobility, and safety improvements needed to create a well-linked, active transportation system near the proposed Aventura Brightline train station. The study focused on recommendations within a half-mile radius of the Aventura Station for non-motorized bicycle/pedestrian improvements and up to a 2-mile radius for on-demand and transit services. Recommendations were based on community survey input and coordination with local municipalities.
- Aventura-Ojus Mobility and Access Study Executive Summary, 5/2021
- Aventura-Ojus Mobility and Access Study Final Report, 5/2021
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
Bay Link (Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study 2002)
This would study a double tracked, street-level light rail alignment to serve downtown Miami, Watson Island, and the southern portion of Miami Beach. Two rounds of public meetings were held separately in Miami and Miami Beach. One to outline the system and the other to get comments and concerns. RESULTS: Systems planning was completed October 2002. The Alternatives Analysis/Draft Environmental Impact Statement was done May 2003. A locally preferred alternative (LPA) was adopted by the MPO on September 26, 2003. And PE/Final Environmental Impact Statement was completed August 2004.
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Capital Coast Methodology (Draft), 3/2002
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Conceptual Alternatives (Draft), 3/2002
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Locally Preferred Alternative Report, 2/2003
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental DEIS Technology Assessment (Draft), 3/2002
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Volume 1, 10/2002
- Scope of Work for the Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study, 6/2001
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Bay Link Phase 2 (Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study 2004)
This would study a double tracked, street-level light rail alignment to serve downtown Miami, Watson Island, and the southern portion of Miami Beach. This is a continuation of the Bay Link Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement study completed in 2002.
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Capital Cost Estimating Methodology Technical Memorandum, 12/2004
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Financial Plan, 11/2004
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Locally Preferred Alternative Report, 9/2004
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) New Start Criteria Report, 9/2004
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Operations Plan; Operating & Maint. Cost Estimating, 12/2004
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Preliminary Engineering Scope of Services, 9/2004
- Bay Link Miami-Miami Beach Transportation Corridor Study (Phase 2) Updated Public Involvement Plan, 9/2004
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study 2013
This study updates past studies that examined a premium transit connection between the City of Miami Beach and the City of Miami using current and future conditions. It also evaluates a way to best advance rapid transit through the project development process.
- Beach Corridor Project Development Study TIGER VI Project Planning Grant Application, 4/2014
- Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Final Report, 6/2015
- Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study PEC Meeting Presentations (Appendix C), 6/2015
- Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Project Executive Committee (PEC) Meeting presentation, 7/2014
- Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Project Executive Committee (PEC) Meeting presentation, 1/2014
- Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study Project Executive Committee (PEC) Meeting presentation, 4/2014
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Count Program 2006
Provides information on the current usage of bicycling and walking at selected locations around the county for use in identifying and prioritizing improvements, performing "before and after" evaluations of programs and facilities and provide a baseline to monitor long-term trends.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Boulevard Planning Study 2009
This study will look at ways to improve conditions for bicycling through the development of "bicycle boulevards" within the county.
- Miami-Dade County Bicycle Boulevard Planning Study: Model City/Brownsville Field Review Report, 4/2010
- Miami-Dade County Bicycle Boulevard Planning Study: Model City/Brownsville, 12/2009
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Facilities Plan 1997
The plan examined existing roadway conditions related to bicycle travel and proposed a set of improvements of both on- and off-road facilities to incorporate into the TIP.
- Work by Barton-Aschman Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Parking Plan for Miami-Dade Transit 2002
The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations for new and improved bicycle parking facilities at Miami-Dade Transit Metrorail Stations, park-and-ride lots, and other transit hubs. RESULTS: Phase 1 racks installed in 2006 (Dadeland South to Earlington Heights Metrorail stations). Phase 2 racks installed in 2008 (Brownsville to Palmetto stations and other transit hubs). Phase 3 were proposed bike lockers.
- Bicycle Parking Plan for Miami-Dade Transit 2002
- Bicycle Parking Plan for Miami-Dade Transit Executive Summary 2002
- Miami-Dade Bicycle Parking Plan Presentation 2002
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR); University of South Florida (USF)
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Pedestrian Data Collection 2017
The objective is to capture the current trends in bicycle and pedestrian travel, with implications for increased non-motorized travel potential for unlinked trips and first-last mile trips to transit stations. Trends in growth of pedestrian and bicycle travel in Miami-Dade County and its municipalities are used to inform programs and prioritization for improvement and expansion of pedestrian and bicycle network facilities.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Project Feasibility Evaluation Study 2003
The current Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plans was adopted in December 2001. Within these documents, a list of seven priority bicycle projects were identified for improvements to possibly be implemented under an assumed minimum revenue plan. The seven high-priority projects selected for evaluation include: Commodore Trail from Cocoaplum Circle to Brickell Avenue; Bird Road from SW 67th Avenue to SW 37th Avenue; NW 11th Street from NW 32nd Avenue to NW 22nd Avenue; Palm Avenue from W 9th Street to Okeechobee Road; Red Road from U.S. 1 to SW 8th Street; North Federal Highway from NE 36th Street to NE 54th Street; and M-Path Trail from SW 67th Avenue to Downtown.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Safety Education Program 2009
Through this project, staff from the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine, will develop, evaluate and implement on-going and effective bicycle safety education programs for middle school children and adults in cooperation with Miami-Dade Park and Recreation.
- Work by University of Miami (UM); Miami-Dade Parks & Recreation
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Safety Program Plan 2005
This study used Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT) software developed for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to identify common crash types occurring at locations throughout the County and develop countermeasures to address the same. RESULTS: "Share the Road" and "Steer Clear" public information material distributed. Washington Ave shared-use lane marking evaluation underway by Miami.
- Work by Cambridge Systematics
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle Wayfinding Study 2014
Develops guidelines for an improved countywide bicycle network by providing an improved bicycle wayfinding system. This is key to making the system more attractive to users and increasing mode share. Bicycle wayfinding includes signage to key destinations, as well as a bicycle route numbering system that allows users to easily navigate the available facilities and travel throughout the county on designated roadways. An improved bicycle wayfinding system may also aid in future facility planning.
- Bicycle Wayfinding System Study Executive Summary, 7/2016
- Bicycle Wayfinding System Study Final Report, 7/2016
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan for the Miami Downtown Development Authority 2009
This study will analyze existing street conditions, traffic crash data, pedestrian and cyclist counts and a user survey to recommend improvements and implement strategies for improving walking and cycling conditions within Miami's Downtown Development Authority (DDA).
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan Update 2007
This will prepare an update to the MPO's Bicycle and Pedestrian plans including a vision, measurable goals and objectives, long and short range elements. Topics include on- and off-road networks, prioritized pavement and trail projects, bike parking, Bike & Ride, safe routes to school, municipal coordination, encouragement and safety.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by David Henderson
Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Plan Update 2012
Update the 2006 Bicycle Safety Plan and develop a Pedestrian Safety Plan for Miami-Dade County.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bike Friendly Miami-Dade Plan 2015
The Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is pursuing a Bicycle Friendly Community SM designation from the League of American Bicyclists (LAB). Since the 1990s, the LAB has been administering the Bicycle Friendly America (BFA) program. The BFA provides any American community (BFCSM), business (BFBSM), and university (BFUSM) with the opportunity to obtain an official Bicycle Friendly designation by submitting an application to the LAB. Applications are evaluated and scored by internal LAB staff and local bicycle advocates within the applicant's community. Bicycle Friendly designations range from Bronze to Diamond and last for 4 years. Applicants that do not receive a designation may receive an Honorable Mention.
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by David Henderson
Bikes-on-Bus Service Delivery in Dade County Study 1994
The purpose of this study was to determine how a bike-on-bus program for Dade County can enhance transit service and to identify ways to make such a program successful and efficient.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by David Henderson
Black Creek Trail Segment B Study 2006
Complete a feasibility and planning study to develop a single non-motorized multi-use trail and linear park for "Segment B" within the right-of- way along Black Creek Canal. RESULTS: $900,000 programmed for construction in fiscal year 2011 (FM #4209161).
- Black Creek Trail Segment B Planning and Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 10/2007
- Black Creek Trail Segment B Planning and Feasibility Study, 10/2007
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Bus Only Lanes in Downtown Miami 2014
Identify the need and feasibility of Transit Priority Measures (TPM), such as bus-only lanes, in the Downtown Miami area. The intended purpose of TPMs is to improve performance of bus routes operated by Miami-Dade Transit (MDT), Broward County Transit (BCT), and Miami Trolley systems in the Downtown Miami area.
- Bus Lanes in Downtown Miami Final Report, 12/2015
- Downtown Miami Bus Lanes Study Executive Summary, 12/2015
- Downtown Miami Bus Lanes Study presentation, 9/2015
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation Plan along Transit Corridors 2014
Creates a plan to implement Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along the following transit corridors: North Corridor, East-West Corridor (SR-836 and Flagler Street), Kendall Corridor and Douglas Road Corridor.
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation Plan Along Transit Corridors Executive Summary, 4/2015
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation Plan Along Transit Corridors Report, 4/2015
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities Study 2003
This project will explore the potential for implementing relatively low-cost BRT service in the major and secondary corridors and arterial streets that are anticipated to have substantial bus service in place, and to identify the most feasible types of BRT improvements that can be made.
- Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-modal Strategy to Alleviate Traffic Congestion Technical Memorandum 1, 10/2004
- Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-modal Strategy to Alleviate Traffic Congestion Technical Memorandum 2, 2/2005
- Overview of Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities as Part of an Integrated Multi-modal Strategy to Alleviate Traffic Congestion Technical Memorandum 3, 4/2005
- What is BRT? Transportation Committee Meeting Presentation, 7/2004
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Bus-on-Shoulder Service Evaluation Study 2007
This study will evaluate the operation of the "Bus on Shoulder" pilot project implemented along SR-874 (Don Shula Expressway) and SR-878 (Snapper Creek Expressway).
- Work by Parson Transportation Group
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Central Dade Transport Zone Study 2007
This study looks at upgrading the infrastructure along the Miami River, Miami International Airport, the FEC Rail Yard, the warehouse district, and the Free-Trade Zone. It also looks at expansion of road facilities throughout the area.
- Central Dade Transport Zone Study Executive Summary, 8/2008
- Central Dade Transport Zone Study Final Report, 8/2008
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Citizen's Guide to Transportation (Pocket Guide) 2004
"On the Move.. Miami-Dade County's Pocket Guide to Transportation" is the citizens guide that provides transportation information to transit services, various highway services, bikes on trains and buses, greenways, ParaTransit and small mass transit services including vanpools, taxis, airport shuttles, carpooling, and the ports.
- Work by FIU Metropolitan Center
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
Citizen's Guide to Transportation (Pocket Guide) 2007
"On the Move.. Miami-Dade County's Pocket Guide to Transportation" is the citizen's guide that provides transportation information to transit services, various highway services, bikes on trains and buses, greenways, ParaTransit and small mass transit services including vanpools, taxis, airport shuttles, carpooling, and the ports.
- En Marcha.. Guia de transporte del condado Miami-Dade, Verano (Pocket Guide in Spanish) 2007
- On the Move.. Miami-Dade County Pocket Guide to Transportation, Summer 2007
- Sou Movman.. Ti Liv Ki Bay Enfomasyon Sou Zafe Transpotasyon Nan Miyami Ded Konty, Sezou (Pocket Guide in Haitian Creole) 2007
- Work by FIU Metropolitan Center
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
City of Aventura Municipal Transit Study 1997
The objective was to implement a municipal public transit system to serve it's 3.2 square mile area which was previously serviced by Miami-Dade Transit, Broward County Transit, and private shuttle systems. The study would recommend a system with universal access to all residents of the City of Aventura.
- Work by Bermello Ajamil & Partners Inc
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of Aventura Municipal Transit Study Phase III 2002
Provide a variety of planning services that would allow the City of Aventura to enhance the transit circulator system that has been in place since January 1999.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
City of Aventura Unified Master Plan for Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity 2017
The approach in this study is to identify a coordinated project bank of improvements with a focus on pedestrian and bicycle mobility and connectivity. The recommended improvements and implementation plan will serve as a tool to guide short- and long-term intermodal transportation improvements.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Coral Gables Circulator System Study 1996
Investigate the feasibility of a transit circulator along Ponce de Leon Boulevard corridor which would provide connectivity to the Downtown/Miracle Mile area, SW 8th Street, and the Metrorail.
- City of Coral Gables Circulator System Study Executive Summary, 5/2001
- City of Coral Gables Circulator System Study, 5/2001
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Frank Baron
City of Coral Gables Trolley Master Plan 2013
Determine the feasibility, benefits, and specific details for establishing a trolley-style shuttle bus service, similar to the one operating along Ponce de Leon Boulevard, in other areas of the city.
- City of Coral Gables Trolley Service Master Plan Study Executive Summary, 12/2013
- City of Coral Gables Trolley Service Master Plan Study Final Report, 12/2013
- Work by City of Coral Gables
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
City of Doral Transit Mobility Plan 2013
Evaluates approximately 60 miles of existing roadways within approximately 15 square miles within Doral. The goals of the project are to: preserve and maintain the transportation system in Doral, promote safe and secure multi-modal transportation, support intermodal access and connectivity, support economic growth and preserve quality of life in Doral.
- Doral Transit Mobility Plan Executive Summary, 2/2014
- Doral Transit Mobility Plan Final Report, 2/2014
- Work by City of Doral
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of Doral Transportation Master Plan 2005
This report identified existing and future multi-modal transportation deficiencies and establish a program of transportation improvements in the City of Doral.
- City of Doral Transportation Master Plan, 5/2007
- City of Doral Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary, 5/2007
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of Doral Transportation Master Plan Update 2009
To study the existing and future conditions of the transportation system within the City of Doral, including the roadway network, the transit system, the pedestrian and bicycle network and to determine how each interacts with the existing and future land uses. Funding includes an MPO award of $40,000 and Doral's contribution of $66,000.
- Work by City of Doral
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of Hialeah Circulator Study 1997
This study was to explore the feasibility of implementing a local bus service for the City of Hialeah. The service would be coordinated with other public transportation providers in the area. The study also included available funding sources to implement the service.
- Work by
- Managed by Frank Baron
City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update 2003
Update the 1997 Homestead Traffic and Mobility Study, to resolve numerous transportation planning issues in Homestead's congested urban core. Specific measures to alleviate congestion have been recommended. But consensus has not been reached on methods of traffic calming, location for truck routes within the historic district, and bicycle lane placement versus parking needs. Also, new transportation planning projects such as the Urban Transit Village and the new busway stop locations need to be incorporated in the existing plan.
- City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Study Advisory Committee Meeting #1, 7/2004
- City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum 1: Study Area Definition, 5/2004
- City of Homestead Downtown Area Transportation Plan Update Technical Memorandum 2: Public Participation, 6/2004
- Work by Metric Engineering Inc
- Managed by Larry Foutz
City of Miami Baywalk Action Plan: Implementation Restoration 2012
The development of this vision began by looking at past studies and reports on the Miami Baywalk, assessing its current status of existing built segments to determine their strengths and weaknesses and identifying the potential to link all segments together to form a continuous Baywalk that will become a world class public waterfront space.
- Work by City of Miami
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Miami Beach Boardwalk/Beachwalk Feasibility Study 2014
Plan and conduct community outreach for the demolition of the boardwalk north of 29th Street and connectivity to Miami Beach Drive in order to improve the quality of pedestrian and bicycle access to existing segments of the Atlantic Greenway Network..
- Work by City of Miami Beach
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan 1998
The establishment of a transportation master plan for the City of Miami Beach.
- City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Existing Conditions Report, Future Conditions Report, Special Users Report, and Ten-Year Plan, 12/1998
- City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Implementation Study Executive Summary 1999
- City of Miami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan Vision Statement 1998
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Amelia Lopes-Johnson, City of Miami Beach
City of Miami Beach North & Middle Beach Transit Planning Study 2012
The study examined transit options between 71st Street and 20th Street on Miami Beach.
- Work by City of Miami Beach
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of Miami Car-Sharing Feasibility Study 2009
Also known as the "Feasibility Study to Implement Car-Sharing Programs". Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a car sharing program in the City of Miami, identify the benefits and the costs to the community. Contact Thomas Rodrigues at 305-416-1020 at the City of Miami, for complete details.
- City of Miami Car Sharing Feasibility Study presentation, 9/2011
- City of Miami Car Sharing Feasibility Study, 9/2011
- Work by City of Miami
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
City of Miami Gardens Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan 2012
Develop and recommend projects to help connect the City's activity centers, neighborhoods, and community facilities. The plan should incorporate the City's existing Recreational Trails Master Plan with greenways and blueways and an established sidewalk construction program based on the city-wide comprehensive Roadway Assessment Study. Contact David Henderson at 305-375-1647 for full details.
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for the City of Miami Gardens Executive Summary, 4/2013
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for the City of Miami Gardens, 4/2013
- Work by City of Miami Gardens
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Miami Gardens Transportation Master Plan 2004
This study will develop Miami Gardens' first transportation master plan as part of their Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP).
- City of Miami Gardens Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary, 3/2006
- City of Miami Gardens Transportation Master Plan, 5/2006
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
City of Miami Health District Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Study 2011
This study identifies initiatives and improvements that can make the Health District area a place where walking and biking are safe, easy, attractive, and convenient modes of transportation.
- Work by City of Miami
- Managed by Larry Foutz
City of Miami Overtown and Wynwood Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan 2013
The objective is to improve the walkability and bikeability of the Overtown and Wynwood areas within the City of Miami. This non-motorized mobility plan will develop and recommend projects to help implement the city's goals related to bicycle and pedestrian mobility, complete streets, placemaking, and access to public transit by connecting the area's neighborhoods, activity centers, and community facilities.- Work by City of Miami
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Miami Little Havana Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Study 2015
The Little Havana Bicycle Pedestrian Mobility Plan will benefit the City of Miami in developing an implementation plan to achieve its complete streets goals and non-motorized mobility objectives in conjunction with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. This will identify a safe, convenient, and accessible series of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and related improvements.
- Work by City of Miami
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Miami Regional Intermodal Plan 2013
This study will look at the need for transportation improvements between the MIC and Brickell.
- Work by City of Miami
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of Miami Springs 36th Street District Traffic Impact Study 2008
Analyze impacts on traffic in Miami Springs along NW 36th Street. Study schedule to be determined.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates; City of Miami Springs
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
City of Miami Springs Traffic Circulation and Parking Study for Westward Drive 2011
To perform a traffic circulation and parking analysis to support the City of Miami Spring's initiative of revitalization and renewal of its downtown commercial core. The analysis will include examination of collecting current conditions data, assessment of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian conflicts, identification of deficiencies and evaluate potential improvements.
- Work by City of Miami Springs
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
City of North Miami Beach Community Mobility Program 2002
A logical extension of the S.R. 826 Study and City Center Design Charrettes. It defines relationships between previous studies and provides a detailed work program for implementation.
- City of North Miami Beach Community Mobility Program Project Bank and Work Plan, 10/2003
- City of North Miami Beach Community Mobility Program: A Multimodal Program of Transportation Improvements, 10/2003
- Work by Chatterton Consulting
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
City of North Miami Beach Fulford City Center Geometric Roadway Design Study 2003
A look at creating a town center environment in an area called Fulford City Center within the City of North Miami Beach.
- Work by Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart Inc
- Managed by Larry Foutz
City of North Miami Beach Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Analysis Study 2004
This study lays the groundwork for a network of trails and bikeways in North Miami Beach, including the existing Snake Creek Trail.
- Work by Dover, Kohl and Partners; City of North Miami Beach
- Managed by David Henderson
City of North Miami Bike, Park and Ride Study 2007
Formerly called North Miami Bicycle Parking and Transit Circulator Feasibility Study. This will complete a comprehensive bicycle planning and transit circulator feasibility study to provide better bicycle facilities and identify strategies that will create greater connectivity between bicycle and public transit systems. The cost was part of the Municipal Grant Program.
- City of North Miami Bike, Park and Ride: A Plan for Connecting Bicycle Parking and Transit presentation, 6/2009
- City of North Miami Bike, Park and Ride: A Plan for Connecting Bicycle Parking and Transit, 6/2009
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; City of North Miami
- Managed by David Henderson
City of North Miami Downtown Multimodal Traffic Circulation Plan 2014
Identify potential multi-modal mobility, access, and safety improvements for the NE 125th Street corridor.
- Work by City of North Miami
- Managed by David Henderson
City of South Miami Hometown Intermodal Transportation Study 2002
Reevaluate earlier transit-related studies concerning the City of South Miami central business district and immediate surrounding area (Hometown District) and develop a multimodal mobility plan.
- City of South Miami Hometown Intermodal Transportation Study Draft Technical Memorandum #3: Transportation Master Plan, 6/2002
- City of South Miami Hometown Intermodal Transportation Study Final Report, 8/2002
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
City of South Miami Intermodal Transportation Plan 2013
This is a community-based transportation plan that provides for convenient and efficient use of motorized and non-motorized transportation and addresses issues such as vehicular circulation, parking, pedestrian/bicyclist movements, and public transportation, resulting in short- and long-term strategies for implementation of the resultant plan..
- Work by City of South Miami
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of South Miami Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Infrastructure Implementation Plan 2014
Solicit public involvement to develop policies that would implement the City of South Miami's efforts to enhance its transportation system and mobility choices for residents and visitors. Complete street policies involve the integration of all aspects of mobility, including vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian and transit.
- Work by City of South Miami
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
City of South Miami Trolley/Circulator Feasibility Study 2006
Develop a plan for the establishment of a pilot service program that would integrate the City of South Miami's trolley service with other area shuttle and trolley services.
- City of South Miami Trolley/Circulator Feasibility Study Executive Report, 8/2007
- City of South Miami Trolley/Circulator Feasibility Study Final Report, 8/2007
- Work by Parsons Transportation Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
City of South Miami US-1 Pedestrian Overpass Study 2000
Investigate and document the potential locations and configurations for a pedestrian overpass across US-1 (South Dixie Highway).
- Work by McHarry Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
City of Sunny Isles Bridge to Link a Pedestrian/Bicycle Greenway Study 2003
Sunny Isles Bridge to Link a Pedestrian/Bicycle Greenway on North Bay Road at NE 172 Street.
- Work by Calvin, Giordano & Associates; City of Sunny Isles Beach
- Managed by David Henderson
City of West Miami City Wide Traffic Study 2019
Sponsored through the Miami-Dade TPO’s SMART Moves Program (Municipal portion), this effort is a follow up to the City of West Miami Engineering Traffic Study prepared in June of 2004. The study identifies projected traffic impacts resulting from the construction of seven commercial developments within the City and the City’s concerns of cut-through traffic along eight residential streets. The study area is primarily residential along SW 8th Street and along SW 67th Avenue. The purpose is to analyze possible mitigation measures to slow down and reduce non-local traffic volumes.
- Work by TY Lin International
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Civic Center TMO Commuter Characteristics Study 1997
This study's main purpose was to investigate current pedestrian activities within the Civic Center area and to develop a Pedestrian Amenities Plan. This plan included safety issues that were also addressed in the plan.
- Civic Center TMO Commuter Characteristics Study Executive Summary, 2/1998
- Civic Center TMO Commuter Characteristics Study, 12/1997
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR); University of South Florida (USF)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Climate Resiliency Study 2003
The objective of this Study is to evaluate potential risks within the transportation system to understand future needs within the 2050 Long Range Transportation Planning (LRTP) process. This study also reviewed ways to support the usage of alternative fuel vehicles, and their associated infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions. The study used the Sea Level Scenario Sketch Planning Tool created by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the University of Florida and the National Risk Index (NRI) tool created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to complete this analysis.
- Work by Miami-Dade TPO
- Managed by Franchesca Taylor
Coastal Communities Transportation Master Plan 2006
Produce short-, mid- and long-term multimodal solutions to transportation issues to the barrier island communities. Study the existing and future sub-regional transportation network through data collection, analysis and public involvement. Develop a multimodal list of projects and costs estimates. Prioritize projects into an implementable 10-year plan.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Coconut Grove Planning Study 1996
For the development of a master plan for the Coconut Grove area which preserves the historical background of this community, reduce the negative impact of traffic flow, improve parking conditions and enhance the landscaping of the area. A review of land use policy and regulations is also included.
- Work by Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zybeck, Architects Inc; Carr Smith and Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Compare Transit Survey Results Study 2010
To present the analysis of the Metrorail survey results in terms of riders' trip making characteristics and the spatial distribution of Metrorail trips in the region.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Compendium of Transportation Facts and Trends 2013
This study is to identify, analyze, and deseminate information through a report and web application of the contributions made by the transportation system to the economic vitality of Miami-Dade County.
- Miami-Dade County Compendium of Transportation Facts & Trends Executive Summary, 7/2014
- Miami-Dade County Compendium of Transportation Facts & Trends Report, 7/2014
- Miami-Dade Facts & Trends (website), 9/2014
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Complete Streets Case Study 2013
This study will apply the Complete Streets concept to three corridors in Miami-Dade County. It will also develop a Complete Streets Manual. Complete Streets are roadways that provide safe and easy travel for cyclists, public transportation users, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by David Henderson
Comprehensive Parking Study for Freight Transport in Miami-Dade County Study 2009
This study will look at the provision of overnight parking for long-haul truckers and for locals independent truckers who need a location to store their trucks when not in use.
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Congestion Intersection Improvement Study Phase II 2006
Evaluate congested intersections and recommend short-term traffic operational improvements for alleviating traffic congestion.
- Congested Intersection Improvements Executive Summary, 3/2008
- Congested Intersection Improvements Presentation, 3/2008
- Congested Intersection Improvements Volume I: Action Plan, 3/2008
- Congested Intersection Improvements Volume II: Selected Data and Analysis, 3/2008
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Congestion Management Process (CMP) Update 2009
This study will update the Congestion Management System (CMS) to reflect the new Federal requirement established under SAFETEA-LU. This update will be incorporated in the 2035 LRTP, as a planning tool, as recommended in the 2007 Miami-Dade MPO Federal Certification.
- The 2009 Congestion Management Process Update Executive Summary, 10/2009
- The 2009 Congestion Management Process Update, 10/2009
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Congestion Management System (CMS) Update Study 2003
This updates the CMS/MMP. It also establishes a Study Advisory Committee and web-based nationwide research regarding activities conducted in other cities to alleviate traffic congestion. Based on these findings, Kimley-Horn developed criteria to determine the congested corridors within the county, and identified strategies to improve mobility there.
- Congestion Management System (CMS) Update Review and Evaluation of Potential Congested Corridors Executive Summary, 11/2004
- Congestion Management System (CMS) Update Review and Evaluation of Potential Congested Corridors, 11/2004
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Connected Autonomous Vehicle Strategic Plan 2022
This study uses connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) as an all-encompassing term for technologies related to vehicle communication and automation. Other related technologies, such as vehicle electrification, e-commerce, delivery vehicles, and telework, are also emerging or are in the preliminary stages of development and may significantly impact the transportation system. CAV safety and mobility applications overcome the physical limitations and distraction errors of humans behind the wheel and have the potential to dramatically reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries caused by accidents on our roads and highways.
- Connected Autonomous Vehicle Strategic Plan, 4/2023
- Connected Autonomous Vehicle Strategic Plan Executive Summary, 4/2023
- Work by Miami-Dade TPO
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Connecting NW 25th Street to the HEFT Study 2012
Develop a detailed conceptual plan for a direct connection between NW 25th Street and the Homestead Extension to the Florida Turnpike (HEFT).
- Connecting 25th Street to the HEFT Final Report, 6/2013
- Connecting NW 25th Street to the HEFT Appendices C and D, 6/2013
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Connecting the Highway Network Missing Links Study 2017
The purpose of this Miami-Dade TPO study is to evaluate the existing and planned highway network and provide the needed connectivity to meet the future demand in accessing major employment and activity centers in Miami-Dade County. This document details the efforts undertaken to evaluate the existing conditions of the three potential missing highway segments defined as follows: SR-826/Palmetto Expressway from Golden Glades Interchange (GGI) to North Miami Beach; SR-112/Airport Expressway to Palmetto Expressway and Turnpike; and SR-874/Don Shula Expressway from the Homestead Extension of Florida�s Turnpike (HEFT) to SR-836/Dolphin Expressway Southwest Extension (Under Planning Phase). The study includes an overview of the Year 2015 land use, traffic volumes, levels of service, congestion, speed scans, safety and connectivity around the missing connections. Furthermore, future conditions sections for each of the study corridors are included to present readily available information for 2020-2030 land use, planned programs and 2040 levels of service In addition, the 2040 Southeast Regional Planning Model version 7.071 (SERPM 7) was used to analyze three grade-separated build alternatives that were developed after the existing conditions analysis in conjunction with the project team and the Project Advisory Committee (PAC).
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Mary-Tery Vilches
Coral Gables Bicycle & Pedestrian Stress Assessment Study 2018
This study envisions the creation of a safe, protected bike and pedestrian transportation network that supports Coral Gables’ sustainability goals while having enormous public health benefits which accrue from daily physical activity. Creating more sustainable transportation options can also reduce the number of shorter automobile trips, helping to mitigate congestion and reduce vehicular emissions.
- Work by City of Coral Gables
- Managed by Kevin Walford
Coral Gables Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2013
To recommend projects that can be implemented with this initial investment in bicycle facilities in the short term, while also identifying bicycle and pedestrian investments for consideration in the years ahead. The existing 10.5 mile bicycle network will be expanded with an additional 34 miles of new bikeways.
- Work by City of Coral Gables
- Managed by David Henderson
Coral Gables Trolley Route Expansion Study 2005
Assess the feasibility of routes that connect the Coral Gables Trolley to the Flagler Street corridor, the MacFarlane Homestead Historic District, the University of Miami, and the Riviera Business District. And identify preliminary trolley stops/spacing.
- Coral Gables Trolley Expansion Presentation 2006
- Coral Gables Trolley Route Expansion Feasibility Study, 3/2006
- Coral Gables Trolley Route Expansion Study 2006
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Irma San Roman
Countermeasures for Bicycle/Pedestrian High Crash Locations 2014
Develop countermeasure strategies for locations where traffic crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists have occurred and facilitate a process for continuing non-motorized safety monitoring analysis and improvement.
- Countermeasures for Pedestrian and Bicycle High Crash Locations Appendices, 6/2016
- Countermeasures for Pedestrian and Bicycle High Crash Locations Executive Summary, 6/2016
- Countermeasures for Pedestrian and Bicycle High Crash Locations Final Report, 6/2016
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Countywide Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan 2013
Create a non-motorized section of the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan including proposed projects and programs to increase the number of people who walk or ride a bicycle while reducing the number of injuries and fatalities.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Countywide Bus Access and Transfer Facility Assessment 2013
Analyze and determine the effectiveness of bus access at loading areas, stops, stations, and terminals along Miami-Dade County's transit routes and facilities; and develop a comprehensive master plan for implementing improvements.
- Countywide Bus and Auto/Rideshare Access to Transit Facility Assessment Study, 9/2015
- Countywide Bus and Auto/Rideshare Access to Transit Facility Assessment Study Executive Summary, 9/2015
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Jitender Ramchandani
Countywide Freight Plan 2013
The updated County Freight Plan will examine the infrastructure needs for Miami-Dade County through 2040. The results of this study will feed into the Regional Freight Plan and the 2040 LRTP.
- Miami-Dade County Freight Plan Update, 8/2014
- Miami-Dade County Freight Plan Update presentation to FTAC, 8/2014
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Countywide High-Crash Location Safety Study 2009
Identify traffic safety concerns and recommend countermeasures to improve the operational safety of twenty high-crash locations county wide.
- Safety Studies at High Crash Locations Countywide Appendix, 2/2011
- Safety Studies at High Crash Locations Countywide, 2/2011
- Work by Miami-Dade Public Works
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Countywide Park and Ride Facilities Study 2009
Also known as Miami-Dade Countywide Consolidated Park-and-Ride Facilities Plan. Examine planned and future Park & Ride facilities at express and priority transit lines.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Countywide Parking Policy Study for Miami-Dade County 1999
This phase is a very comprehensive study which includes a set of recommended parking policies and strategies by area of action, from coordination to enforcement.
- Countywide Parking Policy Study for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary Report, 10/1999
- Countywide Parking Policy Study for Miami-Dade County Final Report, 8/1999
- Work by Barton-Aschman Associates; Parsons Transportation Group
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Countywide Traffic Safety Program 2008
To adopt a GIS-based, countywide crash data system that will allow traffic engineers to analyze crashes on all county roads to determine priority locations and predominant crash types to identify appropriate engineering solutions. The system will allow users to identify and map the high crash locations based on aggregation of crashes to intersection and street segments using crash counts, rates and severity index. In addition, the system will provide diagrams, tables, charts and summarized reports.
- Work by University of Florida
- Managed by David Henderson
CSX Corridor Evaluation Study 2008
This study will evaluate the feasibility of re-directing rail freight traffic outside the urbanized Kendall area and examine various concepts to introduce rapid transit service along the CSX rail corridors south of the Oleander Junction.
- Miami-Dade CSX Corridor Evaluation Study Final Report, 8/2009
- Miami-Dade CSX Corridor Evaluation Study Kick-off Community Meeting presentation, 1/2009
- Work by Parson Transportation Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study 2015
Evaluate and assess the feasibility of implementing premium passenger rail service primarily along the existing CSX corridor�s east-west segment (Lehigh Spur) to serve the western portions of Miami-Dade County.
- CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study Final Report, 3/2016
- CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study Project Overview presentation, 5/2015
- CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study SAC Meeting #3 presentation, 8/2015
- CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study SAC Meeting #2 presentation, 7/2015
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Curtiss Parkway/NW 36 Street Traffic Study 2005
A study to assess the impact on traffic flow at the intersection of Curtiss Parkway and NW 36th Street that would be caused by the City of Miami Springs' proposed redevelopment of that area.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Cutler Bay Complete Streets Corridor Analysis 2017
Analyze factors such as land use characteristics, volume of pedestrian and bicycle users, existing and planned transit routes and available right of way to determine the most context sensitive solution for each corridor in the proposed analysis.
- Work by The Corradino Group; Town of Cutler Bay
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Cutler Bay Town-Wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2010
Create a vision for non-motorized transportation within the town of Cutler Bay and develop projects or policies and performance measures to accomplish that vision. The report developed will serve as the non-motorized component of Cutler Bay's transportation and capital improvement elements to its Growth Management Plan (comprehensive plan).
- Work by Town of Cutler Bay
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs 1994
To identify travel characteristics of employees, students, and visitors in the Civic Center area, locate transportation facilities within the area, develop a commuter characteristics data file, and prepare an action plan to implement short and long term TDM strategies. Undertaken as part of the MPO’s assistance to the South Beach Transportation Management Association (TMA). The traditional grid roadway system, high percentage of recreational trips, parking demand, short trip distances, extensive transit services and low income employment are ideal for promoting programs to encourage cycling and walking. This study was also conducted to investigate alternative Transportation Management Associations (TMA) whose programs were not solely employer- based.
- Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Civic Center Pedestrian Amenities and Safety Study, 9/1994
- Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Civic Center Pedestrian Amenities and Safety Study Executive Summary, 5/1994
- Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: Investigation of Alternative TMAs, 10/1994
- Dade County Continuing Development of TMAs: South Beach Bicycle and Pedestrian Study, 1/1995
- Work by Barton-Aschman Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan 1992
The Park and Ride Lot Plan provided a generic analysis of potential park and ride lot locations identifying sites/systems with the best potential for immediate and short range implementation and documenting future park and ride lot locations for integrations into the long range planning process. WPI No. 6810187. State Job No. 87000-1845.
- Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: North Dade County, NW 27th Avenue Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993
- Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: Northeast Dade County, Biscayne Boulevard Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993
- Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: South Dade, South Dixie Highway Busway Park And Ride Lots 1993
- Dade County Park & Ride Lot Plan Justification Report: West Dade County Corridor Park and Ride Lots 1993
- Work by Frederic R Harris
- Managed by FDOT
Dadeland Regional Activity Center Study 1996
The objective of this study is to develop a set of planning activities to be implemented for improving mobility in the Dadeland Regional Activity Center area.
- Dadeland Regional Activity Center Implementation Measures Report, 9/1998
- Dadeland Regional Activity Center Specific Area Planning Report For Improving Mobility, 9/1996
- Work by Miami-Dade Department of Planning, Development, and Regulation
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Develop Procedures and Criteria for Establishing School Crossing Guard Locations 2010
Develop a tool to assist local police departments to objectively rank locations for crossing guards around schools based on factors such as the characteristics of roadways, traffic, and the student population.
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by David Henderson
Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Services in Miami-Dade County 2004
This study would develop a water transit service plan that would offer alternatives to local commuters driving single occupant private automobiles, and provide viable and attractive mobility options for visitors. RESULTS: Water Transit Service Executive Summary Report (March 2007).
- Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Service in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 12/2004
- Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Service in Miami-Dade County Final Report, 12/2004
- Development of a Service Plan for Waterborne Transportation Service in Miami-Dade County presentation 2005
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Doral Boulevard Access Management Study 2020
This study evaluated the existing access along Doral Boulevard (NW 36th Street/NW 41st Street from NW 79th Avenue to NW 97th Avenue) and identified alternatives that could improve traffic operations and safety within the project limits. As a result, recommendations were based on four alternatives categorized into high, medium, and low priority improvements. The report discusses existing conditions, traffic data collection, crash analysis, field observations, proposed improvements, diversion of vehicular traffic, operational analysis, evaluation of cost to benefit ratio analysis, and recommendations and conclusions.
- Work by City of Doral
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Doral Circulator Study 2006
Examined potential circulator transit in the City of Doral by examining the existing service, the population demographics of income and transit dependency, as well as potential user groups.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Doral Trolley Route Expansion Study 2017
To explore the feasibility of expanding the existing Doral Transit System to provide connectivity to Florida International University in order to reduce congestion and dependence on motor vehicle use, support transit, pedestrian, bicycle use and better serve the the community.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates; City of Doral
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Doral Trolley/SMART Plan Coordination Study 2019
This study aims to analyze and evaluate the existing Doral Trolley System (DTS) to recommend modification, enhancement, and/or expansion solutions to better serve the target travel market over the short-, medium-, and long-term. This study also aims to define the target travel market and connect the DTS with other existing and planned municipal, County, and regional transit services.
- Doral Trolley SMART Plan Coordination Study Executive Summary, 2/2020
- Doral Trolley SMART Plan Coordination Study Final Report, 2/2020
- Doral Trolley SMART Plan Coordination Study Final Report Appendices, 2/2020
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Mary-Tery Vilches
Douglas Road Transit Corridor 2013
Develop and evaluate premium transit options along Douglas Road between the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) and the Metrorail system along US-1. Douglas Road is identified as necessary transit corridor in both the Long Range Transportation Plan and the People's Transportation Plan.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Downtown Kendall Transportation Study 2001
This study provides the Miami-Dade Planning & Zoning Department with documented information on the transportation related impacts associated with modifying roads in the Downtown Kendall Urban Center District.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Downtown Miami Intermodal 2011
This study will evaluate the feasibility of establishing an intermodal terminal facility in downtown Miami as well as a transit/pedestrian mall along NW 1st Street between NW 1st Avenue and NW 2nd Avenue.
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Downtown Miami SMART Corridor Hub Traffic Circulation and Connectivity Study 2018
This study examines connectivity and accessibility between the different transportation modes available to travelers in Greater Downtown Miami, as well as the land-uses that support these modes.
- Downtown Miami SMART Corridor Hub Transportation Mobility & Connectivity Study Executive Summary, 10/2019
- Downtown Miami SMART Corridor Hub Transportation Mobility & Connectivity Study Final Report, 10/2019
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
East West Corridor Study 1991
The East-West Corridor is a multimodal solution for severe traffic congestion along SR-836, the only east-west expressway in central Miami-Dade County. The project combines highway and transit improvements, running along SR-836 and connecting the Florida International University, the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC), downtown Miami and the Port of Miami. The estimated cost is $1.7 billion. RESULTS: Construction began January 2003 on the MIC or Orange Line Phase 1 by Earth Tech. Tentative completion is May 2011. Preliminary engineering for the Orange Line Phase 3 has begun.
- Connecting People East-West Miami Intermodal Center Policy And Technical Steering Committees' Recommendation Report, 2/1996
- East-West Multimodal Corridor Study DEIS Major Investment Study, 10/1995
- East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Description of Project, 10/1998
- East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Description of Project, 5/1997
- East-West Multimodal Corridor Study Policy and Technical Steering Committees' Recommendation Report, 1/1996
- Work by Frederic R Harris
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Economic Impact of Parking Policy Options 1986
Conducted for the Miami Downtown Development Authority's Parking Task Force to present a summary evaluation of the economic impact of recommended parking policy alternatives for downtown Miami.
- Work by Zuchelli, Hunter & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Effects of Transportation Plan Development on Minority and Impoverished Urban Communities 1998
Conducted for the University of South Florida (USF) to determine the effects of the transportation plan on minorities and impoverished urban communities.
- Work by Beverly G. Ward and Eric T. Hill
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study 2000
Explored possibilities and problems of implementing local transit circulators that would run on electric or hybrid-electric vehicles.
- Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study Final Report, 6/2001
- Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study Final Report Executive Summary, 6/2001
- Electric Transit Circulator Feasibility Study presentation 2001
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Electrowave Shuttle Report 1998
This study summarized the activities and results of the Electrowave shuttle service implemented in the Miami Beach area during 1998. Please visit our office to view/copy this report.
- Electrowave Immediate Action Plan (Final), 1/2002
- Electrowave Seven-Year Long-Range Plan (Final), 1/2002
- Electrowave Shuttle Report, 9/1998
- Miami Beach Electric Shuttle Identity & Trail Blazing Signage Study 1998
- Work by Miami Beach Transportation Management Association
- Managed by Judy Evans, Miami Beach TMA
Emerging Tunnel Technologies Feasibility Study 2021
This study evaluated emerging tunnel technology and recommended transit tunnel corridors for the advancement of mobility options. The tunnels are proposed for use by electric multi-passenger transit vehicles to accommodate a range of up to 60 passengers. Among all methods, tunnel construction by Tunnel Boring Machine is the preferred tunneling method for its ability to cause the least amount of surface disruption. Ultimately, six Long Range Transportation Plan priority corridors and two Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) corridors were recommended for further study.
Enhancing SRTS Along the South Dade Trail Feasibility Study 2024
The feasibility study examined the need for improved bicycle and pedestrian access to public schools in South Miami-Dade along the South Dade Trail and assessed the current Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program’s capacity to meet these needs. The SRTS program is a funded program aimed at making walking and biking to and from school safe, practical, and enjoyable. The South Dade Trail, spanning from Dadeland to Florida City, connects numerous municipalities which represent some of the fastest growing communities in Miami-Dade County. The study identified key opportunities for improvement and proposed enhancements along the trail in three phases: 3 to 5 year short-term, 5 to 7 year mid-term, and 10 or more years long-term.
Evacuation Planning Assessment for the US-1 and SW 344th Street Intersection Area 2012
Assess operational and capacity improvements for this location necessary to accommodate the extraordinary vehicular flows during emergency evacuation periods.
- Evacuation Planning Assessment for the US-1 and SW 344 Street Intersection Area Draft Report, 6/2012
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Evaluation of Current Methodology to Determine Traffic Concurrency 2011
The purpose of this study is to assess the current methodology and recommend a preferred transportation concurrency management system for Miami-Dade County.
- Evaluation of Current Methodology for Determining Traffic Concurrency public presentation, 2/2013
- Evaluation of Current Methodology for Determining Traffic Concurrency technical presentation, 2/2013
- Evaluation of Current Methodology to Determine Traffic Concurrency Executive Summary, 2/2013
- Evaluation of Current Methodology to Determine Traffic Concurrency Final Report, 2/2013
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Evaluation of Multimodal Options in South Miami-Dade 2015
The focus of this study is to examine mobility in South Miami-Dade County, by examining the roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian net-works, with the goal of recommending a set of multimodal transportation projects that are in-terconnected, so that people have options for how they travel through the county.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Factors Affecting Transit Ridership
To identify and examine the contributing factors for the decreasing trend in transit ridership in Miami-Dade County and to recommend potential actions. The main tasks of this study are literature research, survey and data analysis, and conclusions and recommendations.
- Factors Affecting Transit Ridership Appendices, 11/2018
- Factors Affecting Transit Ridership Executive Summary, 11/2018
- Factors Affecting Transit Ridership in Miami-Dade County Final Report, 11/2018
- Work by Miami-Dade TPO
- Managed by Tewari Edmonson
Feasibility of Implementing Tech Centers in Miami-Dade County 2004
The objective was to assess the feasibility of implementing technology centers to alleviate traffic congestion as an alternative means of maximizing the efficient use and capacity of limited transportation recourse.
- Feasibility of Implementing Tech Centers in Miami-Dade County, 7/2006
- Feasibility of Implementing Tech Centers in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 7/2006
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Feasibility of Utilizing Miami-Dade County Waterways for Urban Commuter Travel 2002
This study assesses the feasibility of using the existing waterways within the Urban Growth Boundary of Miami-Dade County for commuter travel.
- Feasibility of Utilizing Miami-Dade County Waterways for Urban Commuting Travel, 1/2003
- Utilization of Miami-Dade County Waterways for Urban Commuting Travel Executive Summary, 2/2003
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by David Henderson
Feasibility Study: A Public-Private Partnership for Transit Vehicle Purchasing and Leasing 1998
Determine the feasibility of using Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) funds to serve as the local match for federal grants to purchase small transit vehicles. These vehicles would then be leased to private or public sector operators to provide additional public transit services that would complement existing transit services.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR); University of South Florida (USF)
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Feasibility Study: Northside Intermodal Terminal 1985
It recommends the construction of an intermodal transportation facility with integrated parking structure at the Northside Metrorail Station. The proposed terminal would accommodate major Metrobus operations and a pedestrian overpass.
- Work by Metro-Dade Transit Administration
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Federal Planning Emphasis Areas 2017
The objective of this study is to address the renewed focus on transportation planning brought about the "Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act" (FAST Act) by developing process improvement recommendations to ensure that the federal PEAs are addressed in the Miami-Dade TPO’s 3-C planning process; a process that is cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by David Henderson
Fiber Optic Communications Concept Plan for Miami-Dade County's Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure 1998
Defining a conceptual plan for establishing a fiber optic communications network capable to support Miami-Dade County's intelligent transportation system infrastructure.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Carlos Roa
First/Last Mile Pilot with High-Trip Generator Employers 2016
This study is to develop an implementation plan for improving urban commuter mobility in Miami-Dade, by connecting major trip generators for example medical, education and retail facilities and other large employer centers. "First Mile" is a term used to describe the difficulty in getting people to reach a mode of transportation from their starting location. "Last Mile" is a term used to describe the difficulty in getting people from a transportation hub to their final destination.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Flagler Street Reversible Flow Study 1991
This study would provide a more in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of providing reversible traffic flow on certain lanes of West Flagler Street between 27th Avenue and the Palmetto Expressway.
- Work by Transport Analysis Professionals Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Flagler Trail Northeast Non-Motorized Network Master Plan 2017
Due to population growth, the Miami-Dade TPO is researching ways to increase bicycle and pedestrian access countywide. Miami-Dade County has an extensive existing non-motorized network, but there is a need for more direct connections from downtown Miami to the northern part of the county. This Master Plan analyzes the existing conditions and improvements necessary to incorporate a non-motorized network within a 2-mile buffer of the Northeast Corridor from downtown Miami and to Broward County.
- Flagler Trail Northeast Non-Motorized Network Master Plan, 12/2018
- Flagler Trail Northeast Non-Motorized Network Master Plan Executive Summary, 12/2018
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by David Henderson
Florida City Hub Mobility and Accessibility Study 2019
The Park and Ride termini station for the South Dade TransitWay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is proposed to be located at SW 344th Street in Florida City. To support the accessibility to the proposed station and the development potential at the station area, the Miami-Dade TPO conducted this Mobility Hub Study within Florida City to achieve a comprehensive mobility network within the City’s network. This study provides recommendations to provide connectivity, mobility, and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. The plan identified the appropriate scale of transportation technology, infrastructure, and amenities to facilitate the usage of the BRT station.
- Florida City Hub Mobility and Accessibility Study Executive Summary, 3/2021
- Florida City Hub Mobility and Accessibility Study Final Report, 3/2021
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Kevin Walford
Florida East Coast (FEC) Transit Connection Study 2009
A status report on recent developments and evaluate the feasibility of implementing transit services along FEC corridor from MIA to the Dadeland area to complement a planned bicycle trail facility also known as the Ludlam Trail project.
- Florida East Coast (FEC) Transit Connection Study Executive Summary, 12/2009
- Florida East Coast (FEC) Transit Connection Study Final Report, 12/2009
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Freight Movement Study 1996
Review assumptions made in the original Freight Movement Study concerning trucks and surface freight movement in the MPO's urban area travel model; review the status of recommendations made in the original study; investigate how e-business affects local area freight movement; and reestablish the Freight Transportation Advisory Committee (FTAC).
- Freight Movement Study Executive Summary, 12/1996
- Freight Movement Study Final Report, 12/1996
- Freight Movement Study Technical Memorandum #1, 6/1995
- Freight Movement Study Technical Memorandum #2, 11/1995
- Freight Movement Study Technical Memorandum #3, 5/1996
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Future Transit Corridors Evaluation 2024
This study presents a comprehensive vision for an expanded Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Program, aiming to create an interconnected network of premium rapid transit corridors serving all corners of Miami-Dade County. The primary objective of this study was to identify and recommend new transit corridors with a long-term vision extending decades into the future.
- Future Transit Corridors Evaluation Executive Summary 9/2024
- Future Transit Corridors Evaluation Final Report 9/2024
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility (GGMTF) Bike & Pedestrian Eastside Connectivity/Refinement of Recommended Bike & Pedestrian Bridge Concept Study 2021
This study aims to develop a significant link of the proposed non-motorized vision by determining a safe, convenient, and enticing bicycle and pedestrian connection between the GGMTF, the future Golden Glades Truck Travel Center (GGTTC), and surrounding neighborhoods east of I-95/SR 9A. The recommended alternative is at the Orange Lot adjacent to US-441/SR 7/NW 7th Avenue and south of the main driveway into the GGMTF. This location provides direct access to the shared-use path. The Bridge Concept is the component of the Final Report which focused on refining the modifications needed to leave the envelope for future construction of the recommended alternative of the Study.
- Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Bike & Pedestrian Eastside Connectivity Study Executive Summary, 9/2022
- Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Bike & Pedestrian Eastside Connectivity Study Final Report, 9/2022
- Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Bike & Pedestrian Eastside Connectivity Study Refinement of Recommended Bike & Pedestrian Bridge Concept, 9/2022
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Feasibility Study 1993
This study evaluates the feasibility of different conceptual designs for developing a multimodal facility at the Golden Glades Interchange, located in north central Miami-Dade County.
- Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 3/1994
- Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation Facility Feasibility Study Final Report, 3/1994
- Work by ICF Kaiser
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Guidelines for Municipal Transit Programs in Miami-Dade County 2014
Provide basic service and design guidelines for various Municipal Transit Programs (MTP) in Miami-Dade County to facilitate safe, secure, reliable, attractive, efficient, and integrated transit services.
- Guidelines for Municipal Transit Programs for Miami-Dade County, 3/2016
- Guidelines for Municipal Transit Programs for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 3/2016
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Health District Comprehensive Traffic Study 2008
This study would document the traffic impacts of both the recent and forecast growth within the Health District/Civic Center Area.
- Health District Traffic Study, 5/2009
- Health District Traffic Study presentation, 7/2008
- Multi-Modal Health District Comprehensive Traffic Study Executive Summary, 2/2009
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Hialeah Transit System Express Service Feasibility Study 2009
This study is an examination of the City of Hialeah's existing circulator routes to optimize operations, maximizing its positive impact on the community.
- Work by The Corradino Group; City of Hialeah
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Hialeah Transit System Services and Opportunities Study 2003
This study looked into improving the Hialeah Transit Service (HTS) and evaluating performance of the newly implemented system and recommending any adjustments.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
I-395 Alternatives Financial Assessment Study 2002
The objectives were to review the three alternatives to replace the existing I- 395 structure, develop two new potential alternatives that can more effectively meet the objectives of the stakeholders involved, and perform a financial analysis to determine the financing necessary to implement the recommended solution. The basic goal of this study is to reach a consensus among FDOT, the MPO, and the City of Miami as to a viable alternative, which will allow FDOT’s I-395 Project Development & Environment (PD&E) study to recommence.
- Assessment of the Miami Urban Watch Alternative for Rebuilding I-395, 7/2002
- Executive Summary: Assessment of the Miami Urban Watch Alternative for I-395 hand-out, 7/2002
- I-395 Alternative Review presentation to I-395 Subcommittee, 5/2003
- I-395 Preliminary Financial Analysis (I-395 Alternative Review) presentation to I-395 Subcommittee, 5/2003
- Interstate 395 Alternative Review & Development, 4/2004
- Miami Urban Watch Alternative to I-395, 10/2002
- Presentation: P.A.C./Omni Area Access Improvements (Presented to: I-395 MPO Sub-Committee), 3/2003
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternative Feasibility Study 1992
Develop a preliminary boulevard concept, similar to Biscayne Boulevard, and determine the feasibility of reconstructing the existing I-95 distributor ramps that access downtown Miami via the Dupont Plaza area. The study will also focus on the downtown area as a whole to improve traffic patterns throughout.
- Final Report for I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternative Feasibility Study, 9/1993
- Final Report for I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternative Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 9/1993
- I-95 Dupont Plaza Ramps Alternatives Land And Development Assessment Study Final Assessment Report To The Miami-Dade MPO, 3/2000
- Work by Carr Smith Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Study 2017
The purpose of this project is to evaluate existing and future technologies that will impact and transform the transportation planning process. It will offer the steps to incorporate technologies in the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The below documents address the question: What will our community look like in 20–25 years?
- Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Appendix A, 6/2017
- Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Appendix B, 6/2017
- Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Final Report, 6/2017
- Impact of Future Technology in the 2045 LRTP Summary, 6/2017
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Tewari Edmonson
Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion 2014
Identify congestion caused by private and commercial vehicular traffic and freight traffic along with transit congestion points since the opening of the PortMiami Tunnel. The reduction in truck traffic due to the tunnel opening will be temporary as it is anticipated that Port growth will result in levels as high as those prior to the tunnel opening by the year 2035. A multi-modal congestion evaluation of downtown Miami is a critical element to plan for in order to maintain mobility.
- Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion Appendix, 1/2016
- Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion Executive Summary, 1/2016
- Impact of PortMiami Tunnel on Downtown Traffic Congestion Final Report, 1/2016
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Implementation of Advanced Warnings in School Speed Zones Study 2011
Formerly titled Implementation of Transitional Speed Zones in School Zones Study. To evaluate the feasibility of creating an extended school zone to reduce the speed limit of the roadway by 10 miles per hour (MPH) as a buffer zone before the regular 15 mph school zones.
- Implementation of Advanced Warning in School Speed Zones Executive Summary, 3/2012
- Implementation of Advanced Warning in School Speed Zones Final Report, 3/2012
- Work by Marlin Engineering Inc
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Implementation Plan for Enhanced Bus Service (EBS) along Biscayne Boulevard 2012
Develop a detailed plan for the staged implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along Biscayne Boulevard.
- Rapid Biscayne: Implementation Plan for Biscayne Enhanced Bus Service Executive Summary, 4/2013
- Rapid Biscayne: Implementation Plan for Biscayne Enhanced Bus Service Final Report (and Executive Summary), 4/2013
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Implementation Plan for Express Bus Service (EBS) along Flagler Corridor 2013
Develop a detailed plan for implementing an Enhanced Bus Service (EBS), a precursor to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service, along the Flagler Street corridor.
- Flagler Street Enhanced Bus Service Executive Summary 2014
- Implementation Plan for Enhanced Bus Service along Flagler Street, 11/2014
- Implementation Plan for Enhanced Bus Service along Flagler Street presentation, 12/2014
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Improving Access in FIU Biscayne Bay Campus Area 2010
This study will evaluate the feasibility of adding another entrance to the Florida International University (FIU) Biscayne Bay Campus. The cost consists of $35,000 for Phase I and $20,000 for Phase II.
- Improving Access in Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus Area Executive Summary, 10/2011
- Improving Access in Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus Area Final Report, 10/2011
- Improving Access in Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus Area presentation, 10/2011
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Improving Regional Transportation Planning 2015
A two-part study to coordinate with public and private sectors in Miami-Dade County on the development of clean energy infrastructure planning, education and outreach. And to identify gaps in transit and mobility infrastructure which make it difficult for users to access health providers, healthy foods and other opportunities, and to recommend corresponding improvements to transportation system
- Work by South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC)
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Indirect Left Turns Study 2007
This study will address the potential of increasing efficiency and capacity at major intersections in Miami-Dade County through the elimination of left turns and replacing them with right turn loops.
- Indirect Left Turns Study Executive Summary, 12/2008
- Indirect Left Turns Study formerly Left Turns Via 3 Rights Final Report, 12/2008
- Indirect Left Turns Study presentation, 12/2008
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Integrated Transportation Information System (ITIS) 2010
Formerly known as the Community Characteristics Program (CCP). It is now a regional web-based tool that enables transportation planners and public involvement officers to create an effective public involvement program and identify the attributes and issues facing that particular community. PI strategies are modified according to community characteristics such as literacy rates, income levels, cultural composition, religious affiliation, and more. IT IS allows staff to tailor its outreach approach to determine a community's stand on a project and work with them to gather support. It is now called the Transportation Outreach Planner (
- Work by Florida International University (FIU)
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
Integrated Transportation Management System (ITMS) 1998
The ITMS is based on a GIS platform which incorporates different data sources to generate reports, tables, maps and graphics, as an excellent working tool in the decision-making process. The ITMS includes the following management systems: Congestion (CMS), Pavement (PMS), Intermodal (IMS), Public Transportation (PTMS), Safety (SMS) and the Traffic Monitoring System for Highways (TMS/H).
- Development of the Miami-Dade County Integrated Transportation Management System (ITMS) Executive Summary, 11/1998
- Development of the Miami-Dade County Integrated Transportation Management System (ITMS) Final Report, 11/1998
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Intelligent Transportation System Plan for Dade County 1996
Created to establish a general policy planning process for ITS projects, and coordinate and integrate all efforts conducted by different entities in the same area.
- Work by Miami-Dade MPO
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Intelligent Transportation System Plan Update for Miami-Dade County 1999
Indentifies ITS enabling projects that are most critical in deployment of a regional ITS system, as well as other ITS "enhancements" to traditional transportation improvement projects and services that are location specific.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Carlos Roa
InteracTIP 2003
This endeavor automated the annual development of the TIP. Emphasis was made on improving consistency; making the TIP book more user-friendly; creating special reports to answer questions from the general public; facilitating the analysis of the data; and providing easy access to information by the public on the internet via Miami-Dade's My Neighborhood website. Updates: 2007 update - Completed in July 2007. Resulted in the InteracTIP 2008 website (defunct). 2008 update - Developed from January 2008 to November 2008. The approximate cost was $54,700. Resulted in the InteracTIP 2009 website (defunct), and InteracTIP MAPS website (defunct). 2009 update - Started March 2009 and completed January 2010. The cost was $55,000. Resulted in the first version of the InteracTIP 2010 website (defunct). RESULTS: InteracTIP website. Starting with the 2011 Transportation Improvement Program, the InteracTIP Project Tracking Program will be conducted annually.
- Development of the InteracTIP Executive Summary, 10/2003
- Development of the InteracTIP Final Report, 10/2003
- InteracTIP presentation 2003
- Work by David Plummer & Associates; International Development Analysis Services (IDAS)
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Interactive Transportation Information Systems (Kiosk) 1996
To provide better information to travelers in the trip decision making process, in order to increase overall mobility in the area.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Interactive Transportation Planning Tool 2012
Develop an interactive planning tool that will reside on the MPO website using GIS mapping to display 2010 census data , American Community Survey data, regularly collected data, and model results. The interactive tool should be able to display data at a county level, municipal level, commission district boundary level, and traffic analysis districts (TAD). The tool should be able to produce graphics that are suitable for presentations to decision makers.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Intersection Safety Analysis 2021
The TPO prioritized and advanced three intersection locations for Safety Program funding, in coordination with the Miami-Dade DTPW. The Intersection Safety Analysis Studies’ purpose and need is to reduce crashes, most importantly fatalities and serious injuries, by evaluating the intersections and providing justification to apply for FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program funding.
- Intersection Safety Analysis Executive Summary, 11/2021
- N Miami Avenue and N 163 Street Intersection Safety Analysis, 8/2021
- N Miami Avenue and N 195 Street Intersection Safety Analysis, 8/2021
- W 84 Avenue and SW 38 Street Intersection Safety Analysis, 8/2021
- Work by Kittleson and Associates
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
Intersection Safety Analysis 2021
The TPO prioritized and advanced three intersection locations for Safety Program funding, in coordination with the Miami-Dade DTPW. The Intersection Safety Analysis Studies’ purpose and need is to reduce crashes, most importantly fatalities and serious injuries, by evaluating the intersections and providing justification to apply for FHWA Highway Safety Improvement Program funding.
- Work by Kittleson and Associates
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
Jitney Service Pilot Program
Develop scenarios to promote increased participation of the private sector in the provision of public transportation services within Miami-Dade County. These services would be aimed to supplement existing services provided by Miami-Dade Transit (MDT). Demonstration projects may be identified for implementation.
- Jitney Service Pilot Program, Project Notebook Volume I, 7/2002
- Jitney Services Pilot Program Study Executive Summary, 11/2003
- The "Publicos" System: A Puerto Rican Experience, A Jitney Approach for Miami-Dade County, 3/2002
- Work by Miller Consulting Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Kendall Drive Mobility Enhancement Study 2002
This study was to develop improvement alternatives for potential FDOT and MDT work programs along Kendall Drive (SW 88th Street/SR-94).
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Kendall-Link Alternatives Analysis Study 2005
The study was a re-evaluation alternative analysis for rapid transit improvements in the Kendall Corridor area (along Kendall Drive/SW 88th Street from the Dadeland area to SW 157th Avenue) connecting both to existing and future Metrorail facilities in the Dadeland and FIU areas. The study will lead to the selection of a locally preferred alternative which will consist of rapid transit improvements.
- Kendall Corridor Alternatives Analysis, Purpose, Need, Goals and Objectives Final Report, 7/2006
- Kendall Corridor Tier 1 Alternatives Screening, Public Transportation Technology Review Draft Report, 10/2006
- Kendall Corridor Transportation Alternatives Analysis (Kendall-Link) Final Report, 9/2007
- Kendall-Link Corridor Alternatives 2006
- Kendall-Link employment origins and population growth charts, 4/2006
- Kendall-Link Mode Alternatives 2006
- Kendall-Link Open House Meetings Tier 2 Evaluation presentation, 4/2007
- Kendall-Link Tier 1 Evaluation presentation, 11/2006
- Work by Edwards & Kelcey
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
LeJeune Road at SW 8th Street Intersection Study 2014
Evaluate the operating conditions of the intersection and identify improvement concepts. The analysis will evaluate safety, along with operational and multimodal improvements. Alternative intersection designs and concepts, intersection widening, movement restrictions, and traffic diversion affecting adjacent neighborhoods, will also be evaluated. In 2005, the MPO evaluated a grade separation concept (overpass) for this location, but it was deemed unsuitable for implementation at that time
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Phil Steinmiller
LeJeune Road Corridor Traffic Impact Study 1995
A study to identify and evaluate potential low-cost improvements for the area defined by LeJeune Road, South Royal Poinciana Boulevard, and NW 36th Street.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Local Municipal Transit Circulator Policy Study 2002
The objectives of this study are: 1) to develop a set of guidelines and standards for implementing transit circulators; and 2) to develop performance measures for evaluating implemented transit circulators.
- Local Municipal Transit Circulator Policy Study, 6/2002
- Local Municipal Transit Circulator Policy Study Executive Summary, 6/2002
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Locate Sites for Bus Shelter Installations Study 2008
Identify sites suitable for the immediate installation of bus shelters.
- Locate Sites for Bus Shelter Installation Study Executive Summary, 11/2009
- Locate Sites for Bus Shelter Installation Study Final Report, 11/2009
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Ludlam Trail Non-Motorized Corridor Planning Environmental Study 2002
The Ludlam Trail is a non-motorized transportation route through the county's urban core, expanding the traveler’s transportation options, enhancing the quality of life, and reducing single-occupant automobiles. Running northward from Dadeland North Metrorail Station to NW 12th Street/Perimeter Road next to MIA, it is 7 miles along the FEC Railway parallel to and west of Ludlam Road/67th Ave.
- Work by Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc
- Managed by David Henderson
Medley Multimodal Mobility Opportunities Study 2017
Through the Miami-Dade TPO Municipal Grant Program (MGP), the Town of Medley identified specific transit and non-motorized transportation improvements that will become part of work programs for the Town and its transportation partners. This study includes recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements, as well as recommendations regarding a Medley circulator service.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; Town of Medley
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Metro-Dade Road Pricing Study 1994
This studied if the county's congestion could be mitigated through creative pricing solutions that would provide motorists, particularly single occupant vehicles (or SOV), with financial incentives sufficient to alter their travel behavior.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; Barbara Howard & Associates; Kittleson & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Metromover Bayside Pedestrian Promenade 1993
To enhance pedestrian link between Metromover, the Miami-Dade College Wolfson Campus, and Bayside Marketplace. The proposed changes to N.E. 4th Street between N.E. 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard would improve pedestrian access between the retail complex and the college, while promoting the use of mass transit through improved pedestrian access to Metromover stations.
- Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan, 1/1994
- Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan Technical Memorandum No. 1, 3/1993
- Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan Technical Memorandum No. 2, 3/1993
- Metromover-Bayside Pedestrian Promenade Concept Master Plan Technical Memorandum No. 3, 3/1993
- Work by Bermello Ajamil & Partners Inc
- Managed by Frank Baron
Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis 1993
This study was to present the current operating characteristics of Metrobus service to and within the Miami CBD; analyze the impacts on existing bus riders for both travel time and cost introduced by the transfers from bus to movie upon the opening of the new extensions; and recommend an equitable fare transfer policy.
- MDTA Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis Final Technical Memorandum Number 1: Current Operating Characteristics of Metrobus Service into/within the Central Business District, 3/1994
- MDTA Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis Final Technical Memorandum Number 2: Metromover Fare Policy Alternatives, 4/1994
- MDTA Metromover Extensions Transfer Analysis Final Technical Memorandum Number 3: Analysis of Impacts of Proposed Transfers Between Bus and Mover, 4/1994
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR); University of South Florida (USF)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Metromover System Expansion 2013
Assess the viability of expanding and closing to loops of the Metromover system which would provide greater access and system efficiency within downtown Miami and the Brickell and Omni areas.
- Metromover System Expansion Study Appendix, 9/2014
- Metromover System Expansion Study Executive Summary, 9/2014
- Metromover System Expansion Study Final Report, 9/2014
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Metropolitan Dade County Comprehensive Bicycle Plan 1986
Identifies projects and strategies to meet the most pressing needs of bicyclists in the urban area. This plan represents the first major planning effort addressing needed bicycling-related improvements in Dade County since the publication of the 1972 Dade County Bikeways Plan.
- Work by Miami-Dade MPO
- Managed by David Henderson
Metropolitan Planning Organization Congested Intersections Study 1998
This study was developed to support the Resourceful Use of Streets and Highways (RUSH) Program recommended in the Miami-Dade Congestion Management System (CMS). A criteria was developed to evaluate over 150 intersections. Traffic improvements were recommended for 20 locations.
- Work by Transport Analysis Professionals Inc; Civil Works Inc; EAC Consulting Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Metrorail M-Path Master Plan 2006
It addresses operational issues and problem areas within the M-Path bicycle/pedestrian corridor originally created in 1983. The corridor runs from the Miami River to SW 67th Avenue along US-1 (South Dixie Highway). RESULTS: $1.7 million of GOB and FTA funds available in current year for design and construction of recommended improvements. Project management to be coordinated by CMO.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Metrorail/Coconut Grove Connection Study Phase II 2004
This study examines the feasibility of implementing an exclusive right-of- way transit connection between the Metrorail line and the Coconut Grove Village Center. It looks at possible transit modes, local systems implemented or planned, national and international research, and a comparative analysis of transit alternatives for the project.
- Metrorail/Coconut Grove Connection Study (Technical Memorandum 2 and Technical Memorandum 3), 12/2004
- Metrorail/Coconut Grove Connection Study Phase II Final Report (Technical Memorandums 4, 5, and 6), 1/2007
- Work by Reynolds, Smith & Hills Inc
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Miami Beach Convention Center Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Safety and Connectivity Project 2019
Through the Miami-Dade TPO SMART Moves Program (Municipal portion), the City commenced on this study focused on the 17th Street corridor connecting the Venetian Causeway bicycle lane, from west Avenue, to the Beachwalk. The recommended Plan considered three alternatives which included major pedestrian upgrades, a continuous bicycle lane on 17th Street and a combination Bus/Bicycle Lane from Meridian Avenue to Collins Avenue.
- Work by City of Miami Beach; Marlin
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study 1999
Requested by the City of Miami Beach to perform an intermodal transit center feasibility study for its electric shuttle (ElectroWave).
- Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Executive Summary 2000
- Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Intermodal Facility brochure 2000
- Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Intermodal Report 2000
- Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Task I Technical Memorandum, 8/2000
- Miami Beach Intermodal Feasibility Study Task II Technical Memorandum: Marketing Analysis, 10/2000
- Work by Corradino
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Miami Beach Intermodal Hubs Feasibility Study 2017
Through the Miami-Dade TPO’s MGP, the City of Miami Beach commenced this study to explore the feasibility of developing an intermodal hub, identified as the North Beach District Intermodal Center, in the vicinity of the 72nd Street municipal parking lot. This is a location where passengers can access the north/south bus routes to travel to South Beach, Downtown Miami, Bal Harbor, Aventura, or other destinations throughout the Miami-Dade County.
- Work by Atkins; City of Miami Beach
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Miami Beach Master Plan for the 16th Street Corridor Study 2004
Identify the needs and ascertain the feasibility of operational improvements for the implementation of a pedestrian friendly environment along 16th Street from Bay Road to Collins Avenue in the City of Miami Beach.
- Work by McMahon Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Miami Beach Transportation Master Plan Update: First/Last Mile Connections to the SMART Plan Study 2021
This study assessed the accessibility of proposed SMART stations within Miami Beach for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. Providing better access to and from transit for multiple transportation modes, rather than focusing on one specific mode, will ultimately lead to improved connections to the future Beach Corridor and Bus Express Rapid Transit (BERT) services. The success of regional transit services is key to reducing the driving mode share for travel to, from, and within the city. Recommendations range from specific street infrastructure improvements to citywide policy to facilitate SMART station accessibility. The strategies listed in this study are intended to integrate directly into the Miami Beach Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update.
- Miami Beach Transportation Master Plan Update First/Last Mile Connections to the SMART Plan Study Executive Summary, 6/2022
- Miami Beach Transportation Master Plan Update First/Last Mile Connections to the SMART Plan Study Final Report, 6/2022
- Work by City of Miami Beach
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
Miami Civic Center Circulator Study 2005
As part of an economic development plan developed for the City of Miami, this study would determine the feasibility of a circulator system to serve the Civic Center area.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan 2001
Cooperatively funded by the City of Miami, the MPO, and FDOT. The DTMP will result in a guide for the city and its transportation planning partners in planning for the future downtown transportation system, and provide help in evaluating project proposals at operational levels, and to allow periodic updates to the transportation master plan as new development occurs.
- Downtown Miami Transportation Master Plan presentation (Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan Study) 2003
- Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan, 4/2003
- Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary, 4/2003
- Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary booklet, 5/2003
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study 2006
Develop a plan for the establishment of a transit circulator service, in the City of Miami Gardens, that would integrate with other transit services in the community.
- Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study, 1/2008
- Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 1/2008
- Miami Gardens Circulator Feasibility Study presentation, 1/2008
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Miami International Airport Transportation Study 1987
To assess the need for ground transportation improvements in the Miami International Airport (MIA) area.
- Miami International Airport Transportation Study Final Report: Summary and Recommendations, 1/1989
- Miami International Airport Transportation Study Technical Memorandum 1: Existing Conditions, 11/1987
- Miami International Airport Transportation Study Technical Memorandum 2: Future Conditions, 4/1988
- Miami International Airport Transportation Study Technical Memorandum 3: Formulation and Assessment Of Alternatives, 12/1988
- Work by Frederic R Harris
- Managed by Miami-Dade MPO
Miami Lakes Complete Streets Implementation Plan 2017
To provide Town staff with clarity on what projects are feasible in the short and long term, create a catalogue of existing conditions such as right-of-way restrictions, existing infrastructure, potential partnerships with private and public sector organizations to provide last mile connectivity, and zoning regulation changes needed for successful implementation.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; Town of Miami Lakes
- Managed by David Henderson
Miami Lakes Greenways and Trails Master Plan 2013
This plan will complement the Town of Miami Lakes’ Comprehensive Master Plan vision to create safe and convenient non-motorized transportation to connect communities, recreational parks, schools, office parks, and businesses. When implemented, this plan will provide a network of off-road shared use paths for bicycling, walking, in-line skating, and more as well as a network of on-road facilities including bike lanes on major thoroughfares and neighborhood greenways on low-speed, low-volume streets.
- Work by Town of Miami Lakes
- Managed by David Henderson
Miami River Corridor Multimodal Transportation Plan 2006
This plan identifies means to increase safety and mobility of freight, pedestrians, transit, and vehicular traffic in the historic Miami River corridor.
- Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan Appendices, 8/2007
- Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan Final Report, 8/2007
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Miami River Tunnel Feasibility Study 2015
The Miami-Dade TPO commissioned this study from a long-term solution perspective to examine the feasibility of a tunnel facility under the Miami River. This report documents the investigation of the feasibility of constructing a tunnel facility connecting Brickell Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard under the Miami River in Downtown Miami. Such a tunnel would provide relief to traffic using the Brickell Avenue bridge, and lessen the severity of congestion near the bridge. The specific focus of the study was to identify alternatives that were technically feasible in regard to geometric alignment and construction method. While the study touches upon environmental and traffic circulation elements associated with a tunnel in this area, those elements were limited in their scope. The primary mission was to develop conceptual tunnel configurations that could be implemented, and that could be further investigated in subsequent more detailed studies.
- Miami River Tunnel Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 8/2017
- Miami River Tunnel Feasibility Study Final Report, 8/2017
- Work by Atkins
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Miami Springs Transit System Service and Opportunity Study 2004
Formerly called Miami Springs Mobility Master Plan 2004. This study was part of the Municipal Grant Program (MGP) to provide a factual basis for decision-makers seeking to improve the quality of life in the City of Miami Springs via improved local transit.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Miami Surface Shuttle Services Technical Assistance 1999
Evaluate the feasibility of implementing shuttle services for the airport west and downtown Miami areas.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Miami-Dade 2050 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan
The Miami-Dade 2050 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan outlines a long-term vision for improving walking and bicycling in the region, helping to create a safer, more equitable, and more sustainable environment for Miami-Dade County residents. This Master Plan builds upon the Miami-Dade 2045 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan and provides a blueprint to address current and future needs, focusing primarily on daily commuters and those projects which support safety for the greatest number of people each day. The Master Plan is fully coordinated and integrated with the recommendations made in the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), also known as the SMART M.A.P. (Mobility. Accessibility. Prosperity.) regarding non-motorized strategies.
Miami-Dade County COVID-19 Freight Impact Analysis 2022
This Miami-Dade TPO Study compares pre- and post-COVID-19 freight travel patterns and freight industry data throughout Miami-Dade County. The pandemic significantly impacted the transportation sector, including employment, logistics, and supply chains. Additional freight transportation impacts included disruptions to global international air cargo, congested seaports, travel restrictions, and limited transportation and manufacturing employee availability. Long-term implications of these impacts remain uncertain as the nation and the world emerges from the pandemic and supply and demand normalize. The data in this Study is being utilized to develop insights and recommendations for the Miami-Dade TPO in the development of the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
- Miami-Dade County COVID-19 Freight Impact Analysis Fact Sheet, 11/2022
- Miami-Dade County COVID-19 Freight Impact Analysis Final Report, 11/2022
- Work by TranSystems
- Managed by Kevin Walford
Miami-Dade County Grade Separation Feasibility Study 2004
This study was created to assess if the concept of grade separations and urban interchanges is viable or fatally flawed for implementation on major city streets along serving the main county travel corridors. These types of roadway lanes will allow traffic to bypass sign and/or signal-controlled intersections. The result is reduced congestion by way of continual traffic flow through an intersection akin to expressway interchanges.
- Miami-Dade County Grade Separation Study, 7/2005
- Miami-Dade County Grade Separation Study Executive Summary, 7/2005
- Work by Corradino
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Miami-Dade County Greenways Management and Maintenance Study 2000
To review current policies and practices related to the management and maintenance of bicycle/pedestrian facilities and recommend improvements for this set of county services.
- Work by FIU Metropolitan Center; Kitty Roedel, The Redland Conservancy
- Managed by David Henderson
Miami-Dade County Modal Split Analysis 2018
This study analyzes the means of transportation to work used by residents in the County’s 42 Traffic Analysis Districts (TADs), and along the County’s Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Plan corridors in 2017, the most recent data available. For comparison purposes, it also includes an analysis of the means of transportation to work used by residents of the United States, the State of Florida, and six peer counties. Data published by the Census Bureau for the comparison areas (United States, State of Florida and counties) include cross-tabulations by worker characteristics, such as age, place of birth, earnings, and industry; however, the sub-county data used to analyze the TADs and the corridors is available only for the total number of workers by means of transportation to work.
- Work by South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC)
- Managed by Tewari Edmonson
Miami-Dade County Park and Ride Lot Plan 2004
The plan identified 24 future Park-and-Ride locations for both short- and long-term development. The purpose of this study is to update the 1993 plan for Miami-Dade County and evaluate potential park-and-ride needs in Northern Monroe County.
- Miami-Dade County 2005 Park and Ride Lot Plan, 12/2005
- Miami-Dade County and the Upper and Middle Keys Park and Ride Lot Plan, 12/2005
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by FDOT
Miami-Dade County Typical Roadway Section and Zoned Right-of-Way Update Study 2007
To update typical streets section standards through the County with special emphasis on the urban centers and review countywide zoned right-of-ways widths, and recommend revised zoned R-O-W for roadways in the county. RESULTS: Draft zoned R-O-W ordinance to be sent to BCC via Department of Planning and Zoning.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Miami-Dade Freight Plan 2007
The objective of this study is to develop a freight master plan that will feed projects into the Long Range Transportation Plan.
- Medley Sub-Area Freight Study Final Report, 3/2009
- Miami-Dade Freight Plan Executive Summary, 3/2009
- Miami-Dade Freight Plan Final Report, 3/2009
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Miami-Dade Freight Plan Update 2017
In keeping with the federal and State of Florida initiatives transportation planning activities will continue to incorporate considerations supporting and expanding Miami-Dade economic vitality, intermodal connections, multimodal shipping and safety improvements for trucking and goods movements. This is the freight element of the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and will become part of the 2045 Regional Freight Plan.
- Miami-Dade Freight Logistics Zone Designation Strategic Plan, 6/2018
- Miami-Dade Freight Plan Update, 6/2018
- Miami-Dade Freight Plan Update Executive Summary, 6/2018
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by David Henderson
Miami-Dade Intermodal Centers 2000
A description for this study is forthcoming.
- Miami-Dade Intermodal Centers: Making the Connections for You brochure 2001
- Miami-Dade Intermodal Centers: Making the Connections for You presentation, 10/2000
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Miami-Dade Multimodal Accessibility-Based Needs Analysis Study 2017
Develop an Alternative Needs Assessment methodology based on accessibility performance metrics. This analysis approach is to be used to evaluate the 2040 LRTP improvements to test the methodology in advance of the 2045 LRTP Plan Update. The Multimodal Accessibility based needs analysis tool addresses FHWA Ladders of Opportunity planning emphasis area.
- Work by Atkins; Caltran Engineering; Renaissance Planning
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Miami-Dade TPO COVID-19 Travel Behavior Trend Analysis 2021
The objective of the study is to identify any changes in travel behavior trends from the onset of the pandemic, through to 2021, that may inform the long-range transportation planning process. This was done by comparing pre-pandemic transportation related data sets to data collected during various phases of the pandemic and post lock down. Trend analysis for traffic volumes, transit usage, airport/cruise port passengers and other transportation data were completed using 2019 (pre-pandemic), 2020, and available 2021 data. This analysis is intended to serve as a baseline, as conclusions about impacts on future travel are difficult to discern using current data, because the pandemic is still ongoing.
- Miami-Dade TPO COVID-19 Travel Behavior Trend Analysis Appendices, 1/2022
- Miami-Dade TPO COVID-19 Travel Behavior Trend Analysis Final Report, 1/2022
- Work by South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC)
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Miami-Dade TPO Telecommuting Study 2020
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped daily life, making significant changes in how people operated. While the pandemic has presented a range of challenges, it has also presented opportunities to showcase resilience. Telecommuting is one example of that resilience, reflected in a growing trend in many industries to comply with social distancing guidelines. In mid-summer, the Miami-Dade TPO Governing Board approved a study focusing on the concept of telecommuting as part of a long-term overall strategy to reduce congestion and improve mobility in Miami-Dade County. The Miami-Dade TPO, in partnership with FDOT District Six and Florida International University (FIU), embarked on an effort to understand telecommuting trends and the possibility that telecommuting can be used as a traffic mitigation strategy to “Flatten the congestion curve” post-COVID-19. A significant outcome of the study is the advancement of a series of policy actions, including a Pilot Telecommuting Program in partnership with the South Florida Commuter Services (SFCS). This study includes an assessment of national and international telecommuting trends; a telecommute survey providing insights into the telecommuting experience; and viable policy recommendations that can be implemented to promote telecommuting in Miami-Dade County.
- Miami-Dade TPO Telecommute Study Executive Summary, 1/2021
- Miami-Dade TPO Telecommute Study Final Report, 1/2021
- Work by Kittleson and Associates
- Managed by Tewari Edmonson
Miracle Mile Traffic Circulator Study 1993
This study described the methods that were used to develop traffic and parking improvements plan that would return Miracle Mile (City of Coral Gables) to a more pedestrian oriented, shopping friendly environment.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Irma San Roman
Mobility Management Process/Congestion Management System 1996
In compliance with ISTEA, Miami-Dade County developed a MMP/CMS for defining congested corridors and identifying strategies for alleviating traffic congestion.
- Mobility Management Process/Congestion Management System Executive Summary 1996
- Mobility Management Process/Congestion Management System Final Report 1996
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Model Validation to Cube Voyager 2007
To review and validate the Miami-Dade County model, currently under FSUTMS and supported with TRANSPLAN, to the new software engine of FSUTMS called Cube Voyager.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Modeling Support for Near Term Transportation Improvements Study 2010
Develop a 2 to 5 year plan for major public transportation improvements by researching ways to develop new premium public transportation services in high volume urban travel corridors working in conjunction with all transportation agencies in the metropolitan area. This work activity would allow for technical modeling support to complement the work of a multiagency Near Term Public Transportation Planning Committee that has been constituted to reassess existing public transportation services.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Near-Term Plan for Improved Transportation Services Study 2010
Updating the Miami-Dade transportation service plan for the next 2 to 5 years, in conjunction with all transportation agencies in the urban area, based on the results of the 20-year Transportation Plan. Priorities in the deployment of future urban transportation services include limited transit funding for future expansion; raising new revenues through better management of existing capacity in expressways; and, changing conditions in the marketplace that require more green solutions in urban living.
The update emphasizes ways to establish premium public transportation services that are cost feasible until it becomes possible to reconsider expansion of urban rapid rails. This study seeks to use communication experts to work along with the multiagency Short Term Transportation Improvement Plan Committee.
- Get Going: The smarter, quicker way to travel. A Near-Term Plan for Improved Transportation Services Public Information Campaign (booklet), 10/2010
- Get Going: The smarter, quicker way to travel. The brochure. 2010
- Near-Term Transportation Plan for Miami-Dade County 2012-2015, 10/2010
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Non-Motorized Network Connectivity Plan 2014
Identify critical gaps in the non-motorized facilities network and develop concept plans for connections between facilities and to significant destinations.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
North Dade Greenways Master Plan 1997
To provide an integrated system of connectors for cyclists, joggers, equestrians, and pedestrians along more than 300 miles of urban corridors. It will also seek to reconstruct formerly connected landscapes and create new ecological corridors among them. This landscape reconciliation will provide a variety of recreational experiences within an ecologically driven area.
- Work by Florida International University (FIU)
- Managed by David Henderson
North Miami Community Transit Circulator Study 1999
An analysis of the need and feasibility of public community transit services using minibuses, integrated with existing public and private transit services, to serve the City of North Miami and neighboring areas. The provision of coordinated community-level transit service supports the major recommendation of the Miami-Dade Transit's 1995 Northeast Dade Transit Improvement Study.
- Work by PRL & Associates; North Meridian Inc
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
North Ponce de Leon Boulevard Median Evaluation 2002
Development of a raised median on Ponce de Leon Blvd. between Alcazar Avenue and 8th Street in Coral Gables. It will review the capacities and service levels of the existing street cross sections, crash-prone locations and pedestrian movements. And evaluate the City of Coral Gables' transit circulator.
- North Ponce de Leon Boulevard Median Evaluation Executive Summary, 11/2002
- North Ponce de Leon Boulevard Median Evaluation, 11/2002
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Irma San Roman
Northeast Corridor Traffic Flow Implementation Plan Study 2008
This study will implement the improvements specified by the Northeast Miami-Dade Traffic Flow Study 2006.
- Implementation Plan for the Northeast Corridor Traffic Flow Study Executive Summary, 1/2010
- Implementation Plan for the Northeast Corridor Traffic Flow Study, 1/2010
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Northeast Miami-Dade Traffic Flow Study 2006
Improve traffic flow along the Miami-Dade northeast corridor. It will define improvements that would accommodate future growth, protect and enhance mobility and economic prosperity and quality of life within the study area. It will also help municipalities identify areas of congestion and provide options to relieve for the same.
- North East Miami-Dade Traffic Flow Analysis presentation booklet, 7/2007
- Northeast Miami Dade Traffic Flow Study (Executive Summary, Tasks 1 through 5, and Appendices A and B), 9/2007
- Northeast Miami-Dade Traffic Flow Study Executive Summary 2007
- Work by City of North Miami Beach
- Managed by Larry Foutz
North-South Transportation Needs for the Coastal Communities Feasibility Study 2019
The North-South Transportation Needs for the Coastal Communities Feasibility Study provides context and direction for the development of the multimodal transportation network for Miami-Dade County’s coastal communities. The study evaluated the community transportation needs and assessed the feasibility of implementing transit and complementary options for improvements throughout the coastal communities along SR A1A between Miami Beach and northeast Miami-Dade/Broward County Line. This includes the following municipalities: Aventura, Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor, Golden Beach, Indian Creek, Miami Beach, North Bay Village, Sunny Isles Beach, and Surfside. This effort supports previous and on-going studies, and/or plans, and the input received from the Study’s Advisory Group, in order to provide a future integrated system.
- North-South Transportation Needs for the Coastal Communities Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 6/2020
- North-South Transportation Needs for the Coastal Communities Feasibility Study Report, 6/2020
- Work by Atkins
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
Northwest TPA Origin-Destination Traffic Study 2021
The Miami-Dade TPO conducted a study which examines the current and projected travel patterns within the northwest Transporation Planning Area (TPA), providing insight into the effect of the extension of NW 107th Avenue from NW 106th Street to NW 122nd Street in regards to local travel patterns is analyzed and documented. In addition, and building upon this analysis, potential projects have been identified that can improve the mobility within the TPA. Three types of potential mobility improvements and two roadway projects were identified.
- NW 107th Avenue Extension Study (Origin-Destination Traffic Study Northwest TPA), 3/2022
- Origin-Destination Traffic Study Northwest Quadrant of Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 3/2022
- Origin-Destination Traffic Study Northwest Quadrant of Miami-Dade County Final Report, 3/2022
- Work by Miami-Dade TPO
- Managed by Tewari Edmonson
Northwest Transit Corridor Feasibility Study 2017
The study provides an assessment for the implementation of a premium transit corridor between the future Dolphin Park and Ride, at the NW 12th Street west of Homestead Extension of the Florida’s Turnpike (HEFT) and the northwest area of Miami-Dade County at or near the Miami-Dade/Broward County line.
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Tewari Edmonson
NW 215th Street Mobility Hub Study 2023
The proposed Unity Station is the northern termini station for the SMART Plan North Corridor located at the intersection of NW 215th Street and NW 27th Ave / Unity Blvd to support the accessibility to the proposed station and the development potential at the station area (a 3-mile radius). The goals included gathering data on existing conditions through observation and stakeholder input; analyzed opportunities; identified and ranked proposed improvements; and, provided final recommendations. The study evaluated fifteen intersection improvements, complete streets, greenways/trails and bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects that were later prioritized to seven projects based on network connectivity, safety enhancement, and local support.
- Work by Miami-Dade TPO
- Managed by Franchesca Taylor
NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service 2012
Prepare an enhanced bus service concept and environmental documentation for the proposed NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service.
- NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service Concepts and Environmental Plan Appendices, 6/2013
- NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service Concepts and Environmental Plan Executive Summary, 6/2013
- NW 27th Avenue Enhanced Bus Service Concepts and Environmental Plan Final Report, 6/2013
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
NW 7th Avenue Traffic and Pedestrians Study 2009
This study is looking at the traffic impacts of the new Immigration Facility on its immediate vicinity, long range traffic needs to handle the growth in traffic in the corridor. The study also makes recommendations for improving pedestrian amenities along the corridor.
- NW 7th Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Study Executive Summary, 5/2010
- NW 7th Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Study Final Report, 5/2010
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
NW/NE 36th Street Study 2006
Evaluate traffic flow conditions along 36th Street and adjacent areas
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
NW/SW 107th Avenue Arterial Investment Study 1996
In conjunction with FDOT, a pilot arterial investment study was conducted to evaluate multimodal solutions. This study was considered as a pre- PD&E, which resulted in a wide range of recommendations.
- Work by Miller Consulting Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
On the Waterfront: Implementation Plan to Finish 15 Mile 2011
Use ground and aerial pictures to depict the existing conditions, ownership, and potential for promenade development of every parcel on the route of the Miami River Greenway and Baywalk from the Rickenbacker Causeway to NW 36th Street.
- Work by University of Miami (UM)
- Managed by David Henderson
Online Walk to School Planner Phase II 2013
Develop a version of the Walk to School Route Planner web application that is optimized for mobile devices and smartphones.
- Work by Florida International University; University of Florida
- Managed by David Henderson
Opa-Locka Circulator/Transit Improvement Feasibility Study 2008
Also known as the City of Opa-Locka Transit Circulator System Study. Develop a transit system within the limits of the city of Opa-Locka. Alternatives should be developed considering different nodes.
- City of Opa-Locka Transit Circulator System Final Report, 3/2010
- City of Opa-Locka Transit Circulator System presentation, 5/2010
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; City of Opa-Locka
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Optimizing NOMI Express Routes, Connections, and Technology Study 2016
This City of North Miami MGP study, consisting of six tasks, examined opportunities to link intra- and intercity transportation through a comprehensive service and operations analysis of existing routes. This resulting result recommends changes based on local needs, an on-board survey in January/February 2017, and a review of technology options available to enhance local service. Implementation of new technology and the recommended route alternatives will increase system efficiency and help North Miami in creating a better transit system for its residents and visitors.
- Work by The Corradino Group; City of North Miami
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Origin Destination Study for Express Bus Services 2011
Also known as "Origin Destination Study for the 95 Express".This study will survey the riders of the 95 Express and South Dade Busway express bus routes to determine how they are arriving and how far they are actually travelling to reach the express bus stop. The county is planning an expansion of this service and needed information about the willingness of commuters to drive beyond a certain distance to access a park and ride facility and switch modes. This data collection effort will include operational data from the 95 Express by FDOT, to be reporting to FTA.
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (Central Garage) 2013
This effort is the fourth in a five year effort to survey all of the transit service operated by Miami Dade Transit. Detailed ridership information will be collected on the routes operated out of the Central Garage.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (South Garage) 2014
Conduct origin-destination surveys for local bus routes operated out of Miami-Dade Transit's South Garage as recommended by the Federal Transit Administration.
- Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (South Garage) Final Report
- Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Service (South Garage) Travel and Rider Characteristics for Metrobus
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Origin-Destination Surveys for Local Bus Services 2012
Support the modeling effort in areas that anticipate seeking federal support for transit capital projects. This scope of work lays out a data collection for the local bus mode that meets FTA guidelines.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan Study 2004
Palmetto Bay has adopted a master planning strategy to identify its existing and future transportation system deficiencies. It is expected that thousands of homes will be developed to the south of the village in the coming years.
- Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan 2004
- The Village of Palmetto Bay Traffic Data Collection & Analysis, 6/2003
- Village of Palmetto Bay Transportation Master Plan Executive Summary 2004
- Work by The Corradino Group; Village of Palmetto Bay
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Palmetto Corridor Light Rail Transit Feasibility Study 1996
Evaluating the feasibility of implementing a light rail transit project along the Palmetto Expressway (SR-826). The alternatives were considered: A) Dadeland North Metrorail Station to SR-836 and then to the proposed MIC, and; B) Dadeland North Metrorail Station to Okeechobee Metrorail Station along the Palmetto Expressway. Alternative "A" was included for consideration in the LRTP.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Palmetto Station Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study 2013
This study will evaluate the feasibility of establishing the Palmetto Metrorail Station as a multimodal/intermodal terminal facility.
- Palmetto Station Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study, 12/2014
- Palmetto Station Intermodal Terminal Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 12/2014
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Pedestrian Improvements at Railroad Crossings 2012
Review and examine pedestrian accessibility conditions of current railroad crossings; assess non-existing pedestrian crossing and accessibility deficiencies of existing ones; and recommend an improvement action plan that is all encompassing and coordinated at all levels regardless of functional classification, including compliance with ADA requirements, as well as other federal and state regulations that may apply.
- Pedestrian Improvements at Rail Crossings Study presentation, 1/2013
- Pedestrian Improvements at Railroad Crossings Final Report, 1/2013
- Pedestrian Improvements at Railroad Crossings Safety and Security for All newsletter, 1/2013
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Carlos Roa
People Mover Technology as an Option to Further Extend the Reach of the SMART Program Study 2024
This study assessed the application of Automated People Mover (APM), or similar technology, to extend and augment the reach of the Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Program in areas connecting to existing or future SMART Program corridors, and intermodal hubs where feasible. Additionally, it provides the necessary information to evaluate and develop viable concepts consistent with the Miami-Dade TPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The results of this study define five route alternatives that are intended to complement and build on Miami-Dade County’s transportation network and to ensure greater integration with the SMART Program.
- People Mover Technology as an Option to Further Extend the Reach of the SMART Program Executive Summary, 5/2024
- People Mover Technology as an Option to Further Extend the Reach of the SMART Program Final Report, 5/2024
- Work by Parsons
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Performance Management: TPO Data Collection and System Assessment 2021
This document details the development of a performance-based geodatabase to be utilized by the Miami-Dade TPO for its Performance Management Reporting. Performance Management is a strategic approach to connect investment and policy decisions to set performance targets, monitor the progress toward the targets and to help achieve performance goals. Performance measure targets are the benchmarks against which progress is assessed using available data and provide quantitative criteria used to evaluate progress toward the TPO’s goals. This replicable system of assessing performance measures allows the TPO to understand the impacts of investments over time using a consistent data driven approach.
- Work by Kittleson and Associates
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
Performance Management: Transportation Performance Trends in Miami-Dade County 2021
By assessing the different transportation modes, this report gives a birds’ eye view of how the county’s State Highway and public transit system measures up against established performance targets and goals. This report also documents the TPO’s implementation of federally required performance monitoring and target-setting practices. A living document, the report is reviewed annually and updated to provide a vital link between the TPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan, the shorter-term Transportation Improvement Program, and the TPO’s annual List of Program Priorities.
- Work by Miami-Dade TPO
- Managed by Kevin Walford
Port of Miami City Street Improvements 2000
Also known as Seaport Truck Study. This study evaluated existing truck traffic movement in and out of the seaport and recommend alternatives to improve mobility within the downtown area.
- Work by Beiswenger Hoch & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Port of Miami Freight Access Study 2006
Evaluate a variety of intermodal alternatives for improving freight access to and from the Port of Miami.
- Port of Miami Freight Access Study Executive Summary, 2/2007
- Port of Miami Freight Access Study Final Report, 2/2007
- Work by Cambridge Systematics
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Study 1993
It was created to define the existing transportation conditions in the West Miami-Dade Area. Recommendations were made to maintain acceptable levels of service on roadways that improve mobility options in the area. Improvements include short and long term projects.
- Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Plan Technical Report #1: Existing Data: Compilation, Review and Analysis, 2/1994
- Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Plan Technical Report #3: Summary of Survey Results Household Travel and Hurricane Impact Survey, 5/1994
- Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Plan Technical Report #4: Summary of Pre- and Post-Hurricane Data (Draft), 4/1994
- Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Study West Dade Area Task Technical Memorandum A: Existing Transportation Conditions (Draft), 2/1995
- Post Hurricane Short Range Transportation Study West Dade Area Task: Final Recommendation, 8/1995
- Travel Diary Addendum to Summary of Survey Results Household Travel and Hurricane Impact Survey, 5/1994
- Work by Barton-Aschman Associates
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Protected Bike Lanes Master Plan 2016
To improve mobility by developing projects, programs and policies that increase access to practical destinations by bicycle.
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by David Henderson
Public Easement Bicycle/Pedestrian Network Plan 2017
Study the feasibility of integrating various public easements located throughout Miami-Dade County to improve the network of interconnected bicycle lanes to enhance mobility options. Bicycle/pedestrian facilities have been planned in the County for many years, including the comprehensive 1998 North Dade Greenways Master Plan, which initiated many of the current efforts in the County.
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Public Involvement Effectiveness Evaluation Program 2001
The purpose of this study was to establish an evaluation program that can measure the effectiveness of the Miami-Dade MPO Public Involvement Program. The MPO Board approved and incorporated the program as part of the Miami-Dade Prospectus for Transportation. Innovative strategies were included as part of the plan that was fully endorsed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
Public-Private Partnership Roadmap to Project Implementation 2014
Using Public‐Private Partnerships (P3s) to deliver transportation infrastructure can offer a number of advantages to a sponsoring agency. Included are the ability to use additional financial resources plus operating efficiencies provided by the private sector to expedite developing and preserving public infrastructure.
- Work by Corradino
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Rail Convertibility Study 2003
Also called Rails to Trails; or Converting Rails to Transit, Bike & Pedestrian Facilities Study. This study will provide a comprehensive assessment of abandoned and underutilized rail right-of-way for potential public transportation uses. Previous related work can be found in the Railroad Rights-of-Way Assessment Study (1993).
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment Study 1992
This study would create an inventory of all railroads in Miami-Dade County; examine for potential use in public transportation; and develop recommendations for particular corridors to be studied in detail.
- Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment, 8/1993
- Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment Appendix VIII- ROW Maps, 8/1993
- Railroad Rights-Of-Way Assessment Executive Summary, 8/1993
- Work by ICF Kaiser
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Regional Bicycle Route Planner 2015
Develop several extensions and data updates for the Bicycle Route Planner (BiKE), a browser based application on the Miami-Dade MPO website.
- Work by Florida International University (FIU)
- Managed by David Henderson
Regional Freight Plan 2008
This study will analyze existing and new data and, in conjunction with the regional visioning process, develop a regional freight strategy and make implementation recommendations. Funds used are the MPO's share of a tri-regional effort totaling $198,791.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; FDOT
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Reversible Lanes Along Thoroughfares 2015
The objective of this study is to identify potential thoroughfares in Miami- Dade County where a reversible lanes system can be successfully implemented and to evaluate the feasibility of implementing said system, particularly during peak commute travel times with the intent of addressing traffic congestion in a cost-effective manner.
- Reversible Lanes Along Major Thoroughfares Final Technical Memorandum, 9/2016
- Reversible Lanes Along Major Thoroughfares in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 9/2016
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Safe Routes to Parks Study 2009
Also known as the "Pedestrian Safety at Miami-Dade Regional Parks Study". Improve pedestrian safety around parks to help create more "walkable" communities and reduce traffic congestion by developing pedestrian safety plans for the following county parks: Tropical, Partners for Youth, Francisco Human Rights, Little River, Country Village, and Goulds. As well as countermeasures that can be used to guide pedestrian safety improvements at additional county parks.
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Safe Routes to School Program Study 2003
To identify and propose corrective measures on existing student pedestrian safety hazards along designated Safe Routes to School in selected high student pedestrian crash areas. An existing Safe Routes to School Program is in place, but has not been updated for several years. This study is the start of the Safe Routes to School or SRTS Program.
- Safe Routes to School Program Executive Summary (Safe Routes for Pilot Schools), 9/2005
- Safe Routes to School Program presentation (Safe Routes for Pilot Schools), 9/2005
- Safe Routes to School Program Procedure Manual Technical Memorandum No. 3: Final (Safe Routes for Pilot Schools), 9/2005
- Safe Routes to School Program: Safe Routes for Pilot Schools Final, 9/2005
- Work by Reynolds, Smith & Hills Inc
- Managed by David Henderson
Safety Studies at Municipal High Crash Locations 2013
The objective of this study is to identify traffic safety concerns and to recommend countermeasures to improve the operational safety of twenty (20) high-crash locations within municipalities countywide.
- Work by Miami-Dade Public Works Waste Management
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
School Zone Traffic Congestion Study 2001
Study alternatives for transportation operations and design for improved access and area traffic flow surrounding public schools.
- School Zone Traffic Congestion Study, 7/2002
- School Zone Traffic Congestion Study Executive Summary, 7/2002
- School Zone Traffic Congestion Study presentation, 7/2002
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Frank Baron
Senior High School Student Safety Campaign 2008
To develop a student pedestrian and vehicular safety campaign program targeting senior high school students.
- Work by Miami-Dade County Public Schools
- Managed by David Henderson
Senior Living Facilities Road Safety Audits 2018
This study evaluates traffic safety conditions and recommend improvements around senior living facilities that have been identified as priority locations to minimize potential for future crash occurrences and severity by recommending improvements.
- Senior Living Facilities Road Safety Audits Executive Summary, 10/2019
- Senior Living Facilities Road Safety Audits Final Report, 10/2019
- Work by Kittleson and Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Service Enhancements to the Hialeah Transit System 2007
Also known as the Hialeah Transit System Express Bus Route and Enhanced Service. This study examines potential HTS express transit service by examining the existing service with the intention of providing services on less congested roads on the periphery of the city and linking key attractions and destinations. The cost is part of the Municipal Grant Program.
- Work by City of Hialeah
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area 2002
Develop a set of standards and an implementation plan to better accommodate truck traffic and commercial truckers needs in the Airport West area.
- Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area Executive Summary, 7/2002
- Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area Final Report, 7/2002
- Short Range Truck Traffic Study for the Airport West Area presentation, 7/2002
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Short Term Improvements Study 2009
In an effort to assist Miami-Dade Transit, the Metropolitan Planning Organization was requested to develop a short, middle and long range plans to improve transit operations. The short-term plan should include improvements that could be implementable in a 2-year period.
- Work by Miami-Dade MPO
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Signage Program for the Miami Health District 2011
Provide a comprehensive implementation plan that would identify exact locations for new signage with descriptive, specific wording for each sign throughout the district.
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Simulation and Analysis of Potential Mass Evacuation of Miami-Dade Residents 2006
Requested by CTAC in response to the mass evacuation that followed Hurricane Katrina's impact on New Orleans and Hurricane Rita's impact on Houston.
- Work by Gannett Fleming; Advanced Transportation Engineering Consultants
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
SMART Congestion Management Dashboard 2020
Congestion Management Dashboard (CMD) to track and report historical and real-time mobility travel data in Miami-Dade County to accelerate and support the decision-making process for the Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Plan.
- Work by HNTB; Renaissance Planning; UrbanSDK
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
SMART STEP Evaluation Report
Miami-Dade TPO’s SMART Street Transportation Enhancement Program (STEP) was launched in 2021 with eleven projects aimed at addressing access and mobility challenges in both the Urban Mobility and Non-Urban Core areas. The program recommends safety improvements at major crosswalks to enhance mobility for the impaired, incorporating features such as high-visibility crosswalks, ADA-compliant pedestrian facilities, and continuous bicycle pathways. This report assesses the progress of the SMART STEP projects and highlights “lessons learned” to improve the efficiency of future initiatives. Of the eleven projects, eight have been completed to date (September 2024), while the remaining are either programmed or under evaluation for further consideration. This document identifies factors that contributed to the success as well as challenges encountered during the project development and implementation phases.
SMART Trails Master Plan 2018
The SMART Plan is a comprehensive plan that is advancing six rapid transit corridors and a network of Bus Express Rapid Transit (BERT) service to implement mass transit projects in Miami-Dade County. The SMART Trails Master Plan was developed as a multifaceted SMART Plan implementation effort and identifies potential first and last mile (FLM) connections between the SMART Plan corridors and the regional non-motorized trail system. In addition, this Master Plan presents an evaluation process for assessing FLM non-motorized connections to existing and future SMART Plan stations.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates; HNTB Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Snake Creek Bike Trail Planning and Feasibility Study 2004
Formerly Snake Creek Canal Bikeway Planning and Feasibility Study. This study will plan for two segments of a non-motorized trail within the Snake Creek canal right-of-way. A portion contains the Snake Creek Bike Path and will look at expanding the bike path to connect similar facilities in North Miami Beach and the proposed Florida Turnpike greenway. Download the RESULTS: $3.7 million programmed for design and construction in fiscal years 2010- 2012 (FM #2512003).
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Snapper Creek Park & Ride Feasibility Study 1998
To assess the feasibility of implementing a park and ride facility at the Snapper Creek Service Plaza on Florida's Turnpike. The feasibility considerations include the demand for the facility, and accessibility and operational impacts on the Turnpike and the Service Plaza. Contact FDOT for complete details.
- Work by Dames & Moore
- Managed by FDOT
Snapper Creek Trail Segment A Planning Study 2007
This study will help establish ways to bring the existing trail up to current standards for amenities and crossings safety, improve access, and determine best side of canal for new trail portions where needed.
- Snapper Creek Trail Segment A Planning Study, 10/2008
- Snapper Creek Trail Segment A Planning Study Executive Summary, 10/2008
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Snapper Creek Trail Segment B Master Plan 2014
Develop a viable concept for a non-motorized connection generally following the Snapper Creek Canal right-of-way between the K-Land Park (9475 SW 88 Street) and the Red Road Linear Park at SW 57th Avenue and SW 88th Street.
- Snapper Creek Trail Segment "B" Master Plan Final Report, 6/2016
- Snapper Creek Trail Segment "B" Master Plan Public Workshop presentation, 6/2016
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by David Henderson
Sociocultural Effects Program 2003
Formerly Community Impact Assessment Program. Studied in two phases by FIU Metropolitan Center; FIU GIS RS Center; and Urbana Research and Consulting, Inc. Connected to the Community Characteristics Project (CCP). The CCP is a tool which enables the Public Involvement Office (PIO) to review the social, economic, and geographic characteristics of an area before public involvement (PI) outreach is initiated. Phase I is a rudimentary web-based program utilizing ArcExplorer (shareware); while Phase II is program customized with added functionalities for a customer friendly environment.
- Work by FIU Metropolitan Center; FIU GS RS Center; Urbana Research and Consulting Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
South Dade Greenway Network Master Plan 1994
Out of the chaos of Hurricane Andrew, a community desire emerged to create a comprehensive system of multi-purpose trails in South Dade County that would provide scenic, recreational and utilitarian corridors to be enjoyed by both residents and visitors.
- Work by The Redland Conservancy
- Managed by David Henderson
South Dade Managed Lanes 2007
The objective of this study is to identify reasonable alternatives for developing of managed lanes in the right-of-way of the South Dade Busway and to evaluate the revenue generating potential.
- South Dade Managed Lanes Study Executive Summary, 9/2008
- South Dade Managed Lanes Study Final Report, 9/2008
- South Dade Managed Lanes Study Presentation, 11/2008
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
South Dade Transitway Corridor: Economic Mobility and Access 2018
This study is to recommend accessibility improvements in the South Dade TransitWay corridor and estimate the economic impact of the land use recommendations from the Land Use Scenario & Visioning Planning Study. That study was a scenario planning exercise. It demonstrated the effect on transit ridership in the corridor if increased development was attracted to the station areas along the South Dade Transitway, along with a discussion of land use regulation changes that would be necessary to enable that increased development.
- South Dade Transitway Corridor Economic Mobility and Accessibility Final Report, 12/2019
- South Dade Transitway Corridor Economic Mobility and Accessibility Final Report Appendices, 12/2019
- Work by Calvin, Giordano & Associates
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
South Florida Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Pilot Project
This study examines approaches to conduct climate change and extreme weather vulnerability assessments of transportation infrastructure and to analyze options for adapting and improving resiliency. The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization was the lead agency on behalf of the Miami-Dade TPO and Palm Beach TPA.
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by David Henderson
South Link (South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Study 2004)
An alternative analysis to develop transportation improvements for the corridor that stretches from the Dadeland South Metrorail Station to Florida City. The focus was on those projects already funded and under construction, in order to keep pace with the rapid population growth and forecasted travel needs for the South Miami-Dade area.
- South Link Alternative Maps, 5/2005
- South Link Alternatives in Detail, 3/2006
- South Link Tier II Evaluation (matrix) 2005
- South Miami-Dade Corridor Alternative Analysis Report (South Link Study), 6/2006
- South Miami-Dade Corridor Alternative Analysis Report Executive Summary (South Link Study), 6/2006
- South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis Executive Summary (South Link Study) booklet 2005
- South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis newsletter, Volume 1, 3/2005
- South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis newsletter, Volume 2, 8/2005
- South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Alternative Analysis newsletter, Volume 3, 12/2005
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
South Link Study Update 2015
This update to the South Miami-Dade Transit Corridor Study, completed in 2006, provides a cursory review of selected portions of that study and provides updated information, as applicable. Potential environmental effects were not reviewed or analyzed during this update.
- South Miami-Dade Corridor (South Link) Study Executive Summary Handout, 1/2016
- South Miami-Dade Corridor (South Link) Study Update, 1/2016
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Southeast Florida Regional Travel Survey 2016
Formerly "Travel Household Survey 2014". This study was to gather travel data that is valuable in understanding travel behavior in Southeast Florida region and lead to the development and improvement of transportation planning tools used to assess future projects and projects and policies.
- Southeast Florida Household Travel Survey Final Survey Report, 11/2017
- Southeast Florida Origin-Destination Travel Survey Final Report, 9/2017
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Special Use Lane Study 2004
Also called Reversible Lanes. This study makes a quick examination of freeway facilities and major arterials that have the potential to accommodate special use lanes, which could be reversible or could be used by regular traffic, high-occupancy vehicles (HOV), bus rapid transit, or some mixture of the three.
- Work by The Corradino Group; PMG Associates Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Special Use Lanes Study: Transit Use of Shoulder By-Pass Lanes 2005
This study evaluates the condition of the shoulders along the expressway system for allowing transit buses to use it as a by-pass lane for traffic congestion. Segments were identified, as appropriate and an action plan was developed. A pilot project will be implemented in phases.
- Special Use Lanes Study: Transit Use of Shoulder By-Pass Lanes, 11/2005
- Special Use Lanes Study: Transit Use of Shoulder By-Pass Lanes Executive Summary, 11/2005
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
SR-112 Extension Corridor Concept Study 1994
The study provided a more detailed analysis of the SR 112 Extension Corridor (a wide strip of central Dade County from NW 74 Street to SW 8 Street) than previously studies. Including evaluating alignments/designs for a limited access extension and alternate improvements such as intersection improvements and grade separations. Transportation System Management (TSM) strategies were also evaluated.
- SR-112 Extension Concept Study from LeJeune Road to HEFT presentation book 1995
- SR-112 Extension Study Issues Paper, 1/1995
- Work by Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan Inc (PBSJ)
- Managed by Carlos Roa
SR-826 and Biscayne Boulevard Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Study 2007
Also known as the City of North Miami Beach Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Study and the North Miami Beach US-1/NE 163rd Street Intersection Study. The purpose was to investigate and document existing traffic operations conditions, alternative modes of transportation; i.e., bus transit, pedestrian ways, bicycle connections, etc, and develop alternative solutions that are economically and environmentally feasible. The cost is part of the Municipal Grant Program.
- Work by URS Corporation; City of North Miami Beach
- Managed by David Henderson
Strategies for Integration of Sustainability and the Transportation System 2010
Identify and evaluate several strategies to improve the sustainability of the county’s transportation system with an emphasis on accommodating future travel needs using primarily transportation demand management strategies. A scenario system planning approach will be employed to assess the effectiveness of various strategies for Miami-Dade County that have been planned or implemented elsewhere.
- Work by Jacobs Engineering
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Study 1995
This study will evaluate and recommend traffic control alternatives to street closures. It will also Develop a uniform set of guidelines or warrants to be followed by local municipalities, the County and the State for implementing neighborhood and localized area traffic control; and develop a standardized set of procedures to be followed by local applicants desiring enhanced neighborhood traffic control.
- Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Study, 7/1996
- Street Closure/Traffic Flow Modification Study Executive Summary, 7/1996
- Work by Frederic R Harris
- Managed by Miami-Dade MPO
Superarterial Network Study 1996
This study identifies corridors and improvements for developing a superarterial network to alleviate existing traffic congestion along the expressway system.
- Superarterial Network Study Executive Summary 1998
- Superarterial Network Study Final Report, 10/1998
- Superarterial Network Study Recommended Improvements 1998
- Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 1: Study Coordination, 3/1997
- Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 2: Literature Review, 2/1997
- Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 3: Data Collection, 3/1997
- Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 7: Preliminary Testing and Evaluation of Test Candidates, 2/1998
- Superarterial Network Study Technical Memorandum 8: Estimation of Test Implementation Requirements, 2/1998
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas Inc
- Managed by Larry Foutz
SW 8th Street Corridor 2013
Determine and document the need for corridor improvements and develop alternative solutions to alleviate traffic flow along SW 8th Street between 74th Avenue and 122nd Avenue.
- SW 8th Street Corridor Study Executive Summary, 11/2015
- SW 8th Street Corridor Study Final Report (and Technical Memorandums), 11/2015
- SW 8th Street Corridor Study: SW 82nd Avenue and SW 72nd Avenue, 1/2017
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Phil Steinmiller
SW 152nd Street Corridor Transportation Study 2007
Identify alternatives for improving traffic flow along SW 152nd Street, from US-1 to 162nd Avenue.
- SW 152nd Street Corridor Transportation Study Executive Summary Report, 7/2008
- SW 152nd Street Corridor Transportation Study Final Report, 7/2008
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
SW 244th Street Hub (Princeton Station) Mobility and Accessibility Study 2019
A Park and Ride station for the South Dade TransitWay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is proposed to be located at SW 244th Street in unincorporated Miami-Dade County. To support the accessibility to the proposed station and the development potential at the station area, the Miami-Dade TPO conducted this Mobility Hubs Study to deliver an implementation and financial plan to help achieve a comprehensive mobility network within the study area. This study also provides recommendations on how to provide connectivity, mobility, and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.
- SW 244th Street Hub (Princeton Station) Mobility and Accessibility Executive Summary, 3/2021
- SW 244th Street Hub (Princeton Station) Mobility and Accessibility Final Report, 3/2021
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Kevin Walford
SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions 2015
Through the MPO's Transportation Planning Technical Advisory Committee, this study will identify and recommend multimodal solutions that improve accessibility and mobility along Coral Reef Drive. The proposed transportation improvements will address both existing deficiencies and future demand. One of the recommendations resulted in the SW 127th Avenue Connector Study to investigate options for connecting SW 152 Street to 127th Avenue which does not currently cross the CSX railroad.
- SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions Appendices, 1/2017
- SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions Executive Summary, 1/2017
- SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions Final Report, 1/2017
- SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions: SW 127th Avenue Connector Study Final Report, 7/2017
- SW 152nd Street Mobility Solutions: SW 127th Avenue Connector Study Presentation, 9/2017
- Work by Atkins; Caltran Engineering; Renaissance Planning; Media Relations
- Managed by David Henderson
Systemwide Level of Service (LOS) Analysis 2021
This study updates the existing conditions for State and County roadways, transit, and nonmotorized facilities, and focuses on the County’s facilities to determine if they meet the current travel demands. The assessment of multimodal system needs and recommendations will support the development of program priorities and will be used to update future transportations plans, such as the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and the Transit Development Plan (TDP).
- Systemwide Level of Service (LOS) Analysis Technical Memorandum, 3/2022
- Systemwide Level of Service Analysis Executive Summary, 3/2022
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
TOD Evaluation Along the CSX East-West Rail Corridor 2015
The purpose of the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Evaluation along the CSX East-West Corridor Study is to identify the land use measures necessary to promote TOD at identified station areas located on the Lehigh spur, also known as the CSX East-West Railroad Corridor, in the effort to advance a viable premium transit corridor. This study serves as a continuation to a previous effort, the CSX East-West Rail Feasibility Study (referred to as the Feasibility Study), completed in March 2016.
- Work by WSP; Parson Brinckerhoff
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Tolled Highways with Rapid/Enhanced Bus Routes 2011
Also known as "Tolled Managed Highways with Rapid/Enhanced Bus Routes and Ridesharing". Develop plans for a county-wide network of tolled managed highways with rapid/enhanced bus routes and ridesharing that can be implemented in a five year timeframe.
- Tolled Managed Highways with Rapid/Enhanced Bus Routes and Ridesharing Study Executive Summary, 6/2013
- Tolled Managed Highways with Rapid/Enhanced Bus Routes and Ridesharing Study Technical Report, 6/2013
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Town of Cutler Bay Mobility Hubs Plan 2018
To provide the community with a comprehensive system of Transit Mobility Hubs connecting to the South Dade Transitway and Town of Cutler Bay. This Plan seeks to improve connectivity, mobility and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users through the identification of neighborhood, community and regional Mobility Hubs. The Plan includes the identification of amenities, improvements and recommendations to create vibrant public spaces to garner the support needed for mode shift in the Town.
- Town of Cutler Bay Mobility Hubs Plan Executive Summary, 10/2019
- Town of Cutler Bay Mobility Hubs Plan Final Report, 10/2019
- Work by Town of Cutler Bay; Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Town of Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan 2008
Study the existing and future conditions of the transportation system within the Town of Cutler Bay.
- Work by The Corradino Group; Town of Cutler Bay
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Town of Cutler Bay Transportation Master Plan Update 2013
This master plan update reviews the existing plan and incorporates citizen concerns reported over the past five years. In the process, existing conditions were documented by the collection of new data. The plan has resulted in the recommendation of an entirely new project bank which prioritized all of the pending projects and removed completed projects. This is the initial planning phase in the development of a multimodal transportation capital improvement plan.
- Work by The Corradino Group; Town of Cutler Bay
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Town of Cutler Bay Master Plan Update 2021
Through the Miami-Dade TPO’s SMART Moves Program, this study updates the 2014 Master Plan as it provides a clear understanding of the regional origins and destinations of people on their daily journeys. It details how these movements and volumes impact not only local roads, the transit system, and the bicycle and pedestrian network, but those in the surrounding area. Additionally, this analysis assesses the system’s ability to be resilient today and in the future. The study examined the root causes of congestion, inadequate roadway capacity, lack of modal options, existing and future travel patterns, emerging development and growth patterns, and a lack of diverse land uses and the ability of the system to rebound from major disaster events and withstand the gradual rising of seas. As a result, a project bank of multi-modal transportation and a variety of policy solutions were developed.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Town of Medley NW 116th Way Corridor Study 2009
As part of the Municipal Grant Program, the Town of Medley will have detailed traffic study performed for the major intersections along the corridor and will identify improvements.
- Work by Calvin, Giordano & Associates; Town of Medley
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Area Expansion Study 2005
Also called Medley, Phase II or South River Drive Corridor II. This was created to investigate transportation characteristics and deficiencies associated with the Town of Medley's westernmost industrial area and its interaction with SR-25.
- Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study Area Expansion Volume I: Engineering Analysis (Master Plan), 11/2005
- Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study Area Expansion Volume II: Traffic Report, 11/2005
- Work by Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, P.A.
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study 2003
Also called South River Drive Corridor. This study was to provide the Town of Medley and the Miami-Dade MPO with information on the existing conditions along NW South River Drive, between NW 107th Avenue and the Palmetto Expressway, and the need for improvements.
- Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study, NW 107th Avenue to the Palmetto Expressway (SR-826) Volume I: Engineering Analysis, 12/2003
- Town of Medley NW South River Drive Corridor Study, NW 107th Avenue to the Palmetto Expressway (SR-826) Volume II: Traffic Report, 12/2003
- Work by Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, P.A.
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Town of Medley Transit Circulator Services Implementation Study 2005
It provided the Town of Medley and the MPO with a comprehensive evaluation of existing public transportation system deficiencies; determine existing and potential transit needs; recommend a transit circulator system and strategy; and, a preliminary cost estimate and potential funding sources.
- Town of Medley Transit Circulator Services Implementation Study Executive Summary, 9/2006
- Town of Medley Transit Circulator Services Implementation Study, 9/2006
- Work by BCC Engineering; Westhorp & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Town of Miami Lakes Alternatives to Concurrency Study 2014
Miami Lakes is to create an alternative to concurrency program in order to assist in managing growth and incentivizing the implementation of a multimodal transportation network. This report discusses the reasons why this is important, like traffic, the concept of mobility, and the evolution of concurrency. It details the data collection and analysis utilized to evaluate options and make a recommendation, and finally suggests a program methodology and an implementation plan.
- Work by Town of Miami Lakes
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Town of Miami Lakes Origin and Destination Study 2013
Study identifies strategies that will encourage Miami Lakes residents and workers to utilize ridesharing, transit, walking, and bicycling as an alternative to driving alone. The program is aimed at creating a partnership between the town government and the employers within the town to motivate and encourage employees to consider alternative travel modes.
- Work by Town of Miami Lakes
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Town of Miami Lakes Smart Mobility and Future Technology Transportation Study 2018
The Miami Lakes Smart Mobility and Technology Transportation Study identifies how Smart Technology can be implemented to improve transportation, mobility, and safety within the town. Miami Lakes is on the forefront of planning efforts as new technologies emerge such as autonomous vehicles that will impact mobility and the way people move in the future. These technologies connect, collect and transmit information, and monitor conditions for efficient Town management and operations.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Town of Miami Lakes Transportation Master Plan 2003
This was to develop a plan for the Town of Miami Lakes to accommodate local mobility needs.
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Miami-Dade Community College Wolfson Campus Study 2003
Pedestrian-oriented traffic calming and mitigation study of the area adjacent to and surrounding the downtown Wolfson campus of Miami-Dade College including mitigating car and truck traffic impacts accessing the Port of Miami and downtown Miami.
- Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus Executive Summary, 9/2004
- Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus Project Overview presentation 2004
- Traffic Calming for Pedestrians at Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus Technical Memorandum 3: Final Report, 9/2004
- Work by HDR, Inc
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Traffic Safety Plan for Elderly Pedestrians in Miami-Dade County 2010
Formerly called Miami-Dade Most Dangerous Locations for Elderly Pedestrians. To investigate the safety of elderly pedestrians at road segments and intersections. A two-fold approach is proposed: 1) identify the most dangerous locations using crash, Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), and related data from Miami-Dade Public Works; and 2) provide engineering or intervention (e.g., education) countermeasures towards improving the safety of elderly pedestrians. FIU provided $50,000 of the total budgeted cost through Public Works.
- Work by Florida International University (FIU); Miami-Dade Public Works
- Managed by David Henderson
Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County 2006
Evaluate a set of feasible alternatives for improving withstanding capabilities, in the event of a hurricane, of the street signs without making the installation process more difficult.
- Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 5/2007
- Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County Final Report, 5/2007
- Traffic Signs Research Study for Miami-Dade County presentation, 5/2007
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR); University of South Florida (USF)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Transit Center Connections Study 2003
Also called Connecting Traffic Generators Study 2003. This study identifies opportunities for improved intermodal connections and develop a tool for easy access to information regarding opportunities for such connections. The intermodal connections or “Transit Centers” are defined as transportation transfer points, providing access to transportation services, multiple services or modes.
- Transit Center Connection Opportunities brochure 2004
- Transit Center Connections Final Report, 12/2004
- Work by Cambridge Systematics
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Transit Contraflow Feasibility Study 2002
Evaluate the feasibility of a bus transit contra flow facility in Miami-Dade County, and select and recommend a specific highway or highway corridor for further study and implementation.
- Transit ContraFlow Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 6/2002
- Transit ContraFlow Feasibility Study Final Report, 6/2002
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Transit Corridors Transitional Study 1991
This study compared the costs, revenues, ridership, and benefits between the Northeast, North, West, Kendall, Homestead, and Miami Beach transit corridors. No priorities were derived from the study.
- Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Corridors Evaluation Report, 3/1993
- Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Corridors Evaluation Report, 1/1993
- Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Corridors Evaluation Report Executive Summary 1993
- Dade County Transit Corridors Transitional Study Task 5: Identification of Preliminary Alternatives (Draft), 1/1992
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 2: Identification, Collection, and Review, 7/1992
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 4: Evaluation Methodology (Revised), 2/1992
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 4: Transit Forecasting Process and User's Guide, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Capital Cost Estimating Process and Results, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Detailed Definition of Alternatives, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Operating and Maintenance Cost Estimating Process and Results, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 5: Transit Forecasting Methodology and Results, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 6: Financial Analysis, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Analysis Technical Memorandum Task 9: Jitney Survey, 2/1993
- Transit Corridors Transitional Study Jitney Report, 7/1992
- Transit Corridors Transitional Study Jitney Report Appendix B #1, 7/1992
- Transit Corridors Transitional Study Jitney Report Appendix B #2, 7/1992
- Work by Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan Inc (PBSJ)
- Managed by Frank Baron
Transit Hub Evaluation Study 2008
Develop a comprehensive transit hub system plan that will best serve transit patrons and ease of travel.
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Transit On-Board Survey 2008
The objective of this study was to develop a data collection program that meets FTA guidelines to support transit modeling efforts.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Transit Options to the Port of Miami 2012
Provide a transit connection between Miami International Airport and the passenger cruise terminals at Port Miami.
- Transit Options to PortMiami Feasibility Study Executive Summary, 6/2013
- Transit Options to PortMiami Feasibility Study Final Report, 6/2013
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Trip Generation 2012
This study aimed to collect quantitative data on trip generation patterns and estimate the reduction in automobile trips obtained in Transit Oriented Developments (TOD) in Miami-Dade County.
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Transit Oriented Development Master Plans for Exclusive Busway Corridors Study 2003
To complete master plans and implementing regulations for two planned Community Urban Centers (CUCs) designated in the Miami-Dade’s Adopted 2005-2015 Land Use Plan along the programmed Exclusive Busway Extension located along US1 at the intersections of SW 216th and 248th streets. The aforementioned will implement the county’s Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) provisions governing planned CUC and the CDMP Guidelines for Urban Form which seek to promote pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use and transit-supportive development in
- Goulds Community Urban Center Citizens' Master Plan Final Report, 7/2003
- Goulds Community Urban Center District Ordinance, Updated 2007
- Princeton Charrette Report, 1/2004
- Princeton Community Urban Center District Ordinance, Updated 2007
- Work by Miami-Dade Planning & Zoning
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Transit Service Evaluation Study 2009
Formerly called Evaluation of Miami-Dade Transit's Trunk and Feeder Bus System Study. The objectives of this study are to evaluate service changes implemented by Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) in December 2009 and to develop an continuous monitoring program. As well as to develop standards for the installation, relocation and elimination of bus stops, benches and shelters.
- Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Appendices 1 - 5, 10/2011
- Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Executive Summary, 10/2011
- Miami-Dade Transit Bus Service Evaluation Study Final Report, 10/2011
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Transit System Bicycle Plan for Miami-Dade County 2013
This plan sets out to evaluate existing bicycle-with-transit conditions within Miami-Dade County. It identifies applicable best practices for bicycle connections to transit systems; establishes a vision for the bicycle access to transit systems that guides land use and transportation policy decisions; develops a comprehensive, prioritized, short-term and long-term recommendations for improvements to access and utilize all transit facilities and services; and, supports transit agencies' Transit Development Plan Updates and the County's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
- Work by HNTB
- Managed by David Henderson
Transportation and Economic Impact Analysis for Freight Industry 2010
Also known as the Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County. Examines the impacts of the freight industry in Miami-Dade County by track the amount and nature of goods moving from the source to market; the amount of warehousing real estate; and, the number of jobs at the airport, seaport, in warehousing, rock mining, rail transport, and trucking. The secondary impacts (vehicle sales, real estate, fuel, material, permits, licenses, maintenance, and taxes) will also be analyzed. Economic multipliers are then applied to all the aforementioned impacts to determine the full impact on the economy of South Florida including potential impacts of future Post-Panamax shipping at the Port of Miami.
- Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 12/2011
- Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County Final Report presentation, 12/2011
- Transportation and Economic Impacts of the Freight Industry in Miami-Dade County Final Report, 12/2011
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Transportation Data Management System (TDMS) 2001
Implement a flexible, expandable, computer-based electronic MPO-resident relational database to hold and husband transportation and transportation-related data that will allow statistical, temporal, and geographic analyses, and be capable of report, tabular, graph, and map presentation of information.
- Transportation Data Management System Executive Summary, 5/2002
- Transportation Data Management System Final Report, 3/2002
- Transportation Data Management System Training Manual, 3/2002
- Work by David Plummer & Associates; International Development Analysis Services (IDAS)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Transportation Demand Management and Congestion Mitigation 1992
This study is intended to encourage more efficient use of existing and proposed county transportation facilities by addressing the demand side of the transportation equation using a multi-modal strategy beyond road building and widening. Increasing the number of people transported while reducing the total number of vehicles. TDM systematically modifies the travel demand particularly at peak travel hours and implemented relatively inexpensively. Its goals are to reduce vehicular congestion, enhance air quality, and promote energy conservation.
- Congestion Management Plan Background Report, 9/1992
- Congestion Management Plan Final Draft (incl. "Nightmare" highway brochures), 3/1993
- Work by Barton-Aschman Associates
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Transportation Demands of the 21st Century 2007
Formerly called Transportation Innovations in the 21st Century. This study will develop a menu of innovative cutting edge strategies for enhancing the county's transportation system in order to meet current and future transportation needs using strategies that employ state-of the art concepts in the areas of land use, safety, technology and environmental protection. The November 2007 completion not reached due to
- Transportation Demands of the 21st Century: A Look to the Future- Possible Paths Forward Executive Summary, 10/2009
- Transportation Demands of the 21st Century: A Look to the Future- Possible Paths Forward, 10/2009
- Work by Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR)
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Transportation Financial Analyses and Assessments Study 1996
This study addresses the process in Miami-Dade County that leads to fundamental decisions about which transportation projects are implemented, the manner and sequential order in which they are implemented and the structuring of funding and financing of these projects.
- Transportation Financial Analyses and Assessments Executive Summary, 7/1997
- Transportation Financial Analyses and Assessments Final Report, 7/1997
- Work by KPMG
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Plan 1993
A review of the transportation system during hurricane conditions. The results included a full inventory of the county's traffic signals and projected pre-storm evacuation roadway clearance times, among other things.
- Dade County Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study 1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 1C: Agency Facilities Survey Results, 7/1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 2B: Example Detailed Analysis, 7/1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Appendix 3A: Transportation Model Support Document, 5/1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Executive Summary, 7/1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Technical Report 1: Transportation System Inventory, 7/1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Technical Report 2: System Vulnerability Analysis (Draft), 7/1995
- Transportation System Hurricane Emergency Preparedness Study Technical Report 4: Policy and Procedures Review, 7/1995
- Work by Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan Inc (PBSJ)
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Transportation System Performance Monitoring 2007
This study would identify a series of performance measures that can be collected on an annual basis to have a method of tracking changes in the quality and level of service on the transportation system.
- State of The County [1997-2006] Report (Transportation Systems Performance Monitoring Study), 11/2008
- Transportation Systems Performance Monitoring Study, 11/2008
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management Study 2003
This study will research current trends in the management of such heavy truck traffic in major metropolitan areas to see what approaches work best to reduce motorists’ concerns while maintaining the flow of goods and services. Two freight and trucking-oriented studies have been previously conducted. The main focus was not on specifics of heavy truck operations on expressways and major arterials.
- Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management Executive Summary, 2/2005
- Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management Final Report, 2/2005
- Trends in Heavy Truck Traffic Management presentation, 2/2005
- Work by Cambridge Systematics
- Managed by Frank Baron
Truck Parking Feasibility Phase II 2011
Also known as the Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II. This study is to serve as a guide for implementing truck parking facilities, building on the Comprehensive Parking Study for Freight Transport Phase I.
- Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II Options for Implementation Appendices, 8/2012
- Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II Options for Implementation Executive Summary, 8/2012
- Development of Truck Parking Facilities in Miami-Dade County Phase II Options for Implementation Final Report, 8/2012
- Work by Kimley-Horn & Associates
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Truck Route System for Miami-Dade County 2006
It's task was to identify current and future corridors for heavy truck traffic and to preserve roadways for such vehicles by designating them as truck routes.
- Truck Route System for Miami-Dade County Executive Summary, 6/2007
- Truck Route System for Miami-Dade County Final Report, 6/2007
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
Update of the Miami-Dade County GIS Crash Data System 2009
The purpose of this project was to update and maintain the Crash Data System for Miami-Dade County Traffic Engineering and MPO. The Miami-Dade crash data system is developed and hosted at the University of Florida.
The system allows users to identify and map high crash locations in all the county roads based on number of crashes and injury severity. In addition, the system provides crash intersection diagrams, tables, charts and summarized reports as well as access to individual crash reports.
The system is accessed via internet through a web browser. Miami- Dade County Traffic Engineering manages the access privileges for the users of the system.
During the 2009-2010 contract University of Florida obtained, processed, mapped and loaded the long form crashes for year 2009. This included automobile, bicycle and pedestrian crashes. The raw crash data was obtained from Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). The data was converted in a suitable database format and was mapped to the Miami-Dade streets.
Additionally, new software features were added to the system. They include ability to produce reports with an expanded list of attributes for bicycle and pedestrian crashes and the ability to export the full set of crash attributes. University of Florida provided on-site training for the Traffic Engineering and MPO users.
The current crash database includes long form crashes in all Miami-Dade roads for years 2005 through 2009. The crash data system is functional and available for Miami-Dade County users. UF will provide $35,640 through Miami-Dade Public Works. RESULTS: Miami-Dade Geographical Information Systems (GIS) crash data
- Work by University of Florida; Miami-Dade Public Works
- Managed by Carlos Roa
Urban Mobility Strategies in Miami-Dade County 2019
This study was completed at the request of the Miami-Dade TPO's Urban Mobility Task Force (UMTF). The study identified strategies and procedures to address improving the project development process, minimizing impacts during roadway construction, and identifying industry best practices. The study team identified how projects in in the county are planned, designed, and built and has formulated recommendations in the study's Recommendations & Action Plan on how to streamline and improve this process. This report summarizes the results from the input received from the Study Advisory Group (SAG), a comprehensive literature review, an analysis of national best practices, and in-depth interviews with existing stakeholders in the private sector and state and county government agencies.
- Urban Mobility Strategies in Miami-Dade County Final Report, 10/2020
- Urban Mobility Strategies in Miami-Dade County Final Report Executive Summary, 10/2020
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Lisa Colmenares
US-1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study 2024
The US-1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study explored alternatives to enhance safe mobility for pedestrians and bicyclist across US-1 at the Coconut Grove, Dadeland North, and Dadeland South Metrorail Stations. The proposed improvements included pedestrian-bicycle bridges, upgraded infrastructure, enhanced signalization, and improved crosswalks. The study aimed to (1) prioritize safety, mobility, and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing US-1 and (2) promote transit use by offering safer and more accessible connections for pedestrians and bicyclists to the Metrorail system.
- US-1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study Executive Summary 9/2024
- US-1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study Final Report 9/2024
- US-1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study Fact Sheet 9/2024
- Work by bcc engineering
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
US-1 Intersection Improvements Study 2007
This study investigates the operational and safety needs and improvement alternatives for 12 intersections along US-1, between SW 72nd Avenue and SW 136th Street, on the eastern boundary of the Village of Pinecrest. Completion is tentative on study presentation to committee.
- US-1 Intersection Improvement Study - Village of Pinecrest presentation, 5/2008
- US-1 Intersection Improvement Study - Village of Pinecrest, 4/2008
- Work by Florida International University (FIU); Village of Pinecrest
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
US-1 Multimodal & Roadway Analysis: Dadeland South Metrorail Station to SW 344th Street/Palm Drive 2021
Completed an analysis to maximize the future capacity along the US-1 corridor which includes multimodal (nonmotorized) improvements, roadway improvements, and adoption of technology (SMART signals). Based on the reviewed transportation and master plans completed along the corridor, a list of 19 pedestrian and bicycle improvement projects (e.g., sidewalk gaps, trail improvements, bicycle facility improvements) are recommended to move forward to the next phase of implementation. High trip generators were identified within the First Mile/Last Mile service areas for each municipality and unincorporated areas along the corridor. This data will serve as a resource tool for the Miami-Dade County and municipalities to identify opportunities for pick-up/drop-off stations/locations to extent existing on-demand services or introduce new services (e.g., micro-mobility) in the area.
- US-1 Multimodal and Roadway Analysis Dadeland South Metrorail Station to SW 344 Street Appendices, 9/2022
- US-1 Multimodal and Roadway Analysis Dadeland South Metrorail Station to SW 344 Street Executive Summary, 9/2022
- US-1 Multimodal and Roadway Analysis Dadeland South Metrorail Station to SW 344 Street Final Report, 9/2022
- Work by WSP
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
US-1 Multimodal/Roadway Intersection Analysis Between SW 27th Avenue and SW 72nd Street 2022
To conduct a traffic analysis to assess vehicular and pedestrian crossing access along and across US 1 from SW 72nd St to SW 27th Ave and provide recommendations to maximize the capacity of this corridor via multimodal and/or roadway improvements. The study focused on the following six areas that were identified to be transportation deficient/congestion hot spots for the corridor based on previous studies, available data, and guidance from the Project Working Group: Focus Area 1- SW 57th Avenue/SW 72nd Street, Focus Area 2- S Alhambra Circle, Focus Area 3- Granada Boulevard, Focus Area 4, SW 42nd Avenue (Le Jeune Road)/Blue Road/Grand Avenue, Focus Area 5- SW 37th Avenue/SW 40th Street, and, Focus Area 6- SW 27th Avenue
- US-1 Multimodal/Roadway Intersection Analysis Between SW 27th Avenue and SW 72nd Street Appendices, 3/2023
- US-1 Multimodal/Roadway Intersection Analysis Between SW 27th Avenue and SW 72nd Street Executive Summary, 3/2023
- US-1 Multimodal/Roadway Intersection Analysis Between SW 27th Avenue and SW 72nd Street Final Report, 3/2023
- Work by Atkins
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
US-1 Reversible Flow Lane Study 2006
Study the feasibility of developing a master plan for the addition of two reversible lanes along US-1 between I-95 and Bird Road.
- Reversible Flow Lane Study: SR 5/US 1/South Dixie Highway from SW 40th Street/SR 976/Bird Road to I-95 Appendix I- Synchro Output Results, 12/2007
- Reversible Flow Lane Study: SR 5/US 1/South Dixie Highway from SW 40th Street/SR 976/Bird Road to I-95 Preliminary Project Report, 12/2007
- US 1 Reversible Flow Lane Study Executive Summary, 10/2007
- US 1 Reversible Flow Lane Study from SW 40th Street (Bird Road) to Interstate 95 (I-95) presentation, 1/2008
- Work by The Corradino Group
- Managed by Larry Foutz
US-1/SR-878 Intersection Sub-Area Traffic Study 2009
Develop several conceptual improvement strategies to alleviate traffic congestion along US-1 in the vicinity of State Road 878.
- US-1/SR-878 Intersection Sub-Area Traffic Study (Revised), 3/2010
- US-1/SR-878 Intersection Sub-Area Traffic Study TPTAC Presentation, 9/2009
- Work by David Plummer & Associates
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez
Vanpool Demonstration Program 1996
Provide vans to individuals traveling together on a regular basis to work, as well as institutions, businesses, agencies and other organizations. This program is a result of the Congestion Mitigation: Public-Private Partnerships Study conducted March 1994.
- Work by Vanpool Services Inc
- Managed by Jesus Guerra
Village of Miami Shores Multimodal Mobility Study 2014
Identify transportation challenges and recommend cost effective solutions to increase pedestrian, bicyclist, and transit user safety.
- Work by Village of Miami Shores
- Managed by David Henderson
Village of Palmetto Bay Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2008
It's objective is to create a vision of non-motorized transportation within Palmetto Bay boundaries.
- Work by Village of Palmetto Bay
- Managed by David Henderson
Village of Palmetto Bay SMART Mobility Hubs and Transit Infrastructure Plan 2018
To provide the community with a comprehensive system of Transit Mobility Hubs connecting to the South Dade Transitway and Village of Palmetto Bay. This Plan seeks to improve connectivity, mobility and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users through the identification of neighborhood, community and regional Mobility Hubs. The Plan includes the identification of amenities, improvements and recommendations to create vibrant public spaces to garner the support needed for mode shift in the Village.
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Jeannine Gaslonde
Village of Palmetto Bay Multi-Use Trail and SMART Plan Connectivity Study 2021
The Village of Palmetto Bay completed this study through the Miami-Dade TPO’s SMART Moves Program with the aim to enhance mobility, safety, and accessibility to the South Dade TransitWay between Old Cutler Road and US 1/South Dixie Highway, supporting the SMART Plan. This study included a review, analysis, and evaluation of four primary east/west corridors within the Village of Palmetto Bay: SW 144th, 152nd, 168th and 184th Streets. Through evaluation and public and stakeholder outreach efforts, SW 152nd Street and SW 184th Street were selected as the two corridors in most need of multimodal improvements. Three alternatives for both corridors were identified and one alternative per selected corridor was recommended for implementation by the Village Council.
- Work by Marlin Engineering
- Managed by Oscar Camejo
Village of Palmetto Bay Safe Routes to School Program Study 2009
To prepare a Safe Routes to School plan for four schools within the Village of Palmetto Bay that have identified the need for a Safe Route within the school attendance boundary. This will include infrastructure improvements along the route, as well as cost estimates. The second phase is to prepare a FDOT Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Funding Application for each school, for particular items that are not within Village jurisdiction. The desired outcomes include increased bicycle, pedestrian, and traffic safety; decreased traffic congestion and improved .
- Work by Village of Palmetto Bay
- Managed by David Henderson
Village of Pinecrest Safe Routes to School Study 2010
Prepare Safe Routes to School plans for Pinecrest Elementary, and Palmetto Elementary, Middle School and Senior High School.
- Work by Village of Pinecrest
- Managed by David Henderson
Village of Pinecrest US-1 Corridor Bicycle/Pedestrian Mobility Plan 2013
Identify specific pedestrian improvements, identify means of connectivity with the Village Bicycling Plan and area bicycle trails, recommend the best use and locations for transitional spaces, identify solutions that would enhance and continue the Pinecrest brand, improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists from cars moving along US-1 and the commercial properties.
- Work by Village of Pinecrest
- Managed by David Henderson
Vision Zero Plan 2018
The Miami-Dade County Vision Zero program is dedicated to eliminating deaths and serious injuries from the transportation network and has been implemented in numerous areas throughout the world.
- Work by The Corradino Group; StreetPlans
- Managed by David Henderson
Waterborne Transportation Feasibility Study Between Black Point Marina and Downtown Miami 2017
Perform a feasibility study of fixed-route, scheduled waterborne transit services between Black Point Marina and Downtown Miami. The final deliverable for this effort will be produced in a similar format with related content to the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO' s) "Waterborne Transportation" report to enable a relative comparison between this anticipated service and the other options being considered. Work Order GPC Vl-24.
- Work by Parsons Brinckerhoff; WSP
- Managed by David Henderson
Web-based Bicycle Route Planning Tool 2010
Develop an online system that prepares a suggested bicycle route along streets and other bike facilities which connects start and end points selected by the user. Because it will create routes that meet a user's preferences the system will remove a significant information barrier to practical bicycle use. The project will be complete4d by the University of Florida's Geomatics Program. This study will be consistent with a similar system developed for the Broward MPO and have linked inter-county origins and destinations.
- Work by University of Florida
- Managed by David Henderson
Welfare to Work: Transportation Issues and Opportunities in Miami-Dade County 1998
The main purpose of this study was to compile basic information concerning welfare recipients in Miami-Dade County who were eligible for the Work and Gain Economic Self-Sufficiency (WAGES) Program.
- Improving Welfare-To-Work Transportation Planning: A Geographic Information System (GIS) Application Final Report, 5/2002
- Welfare to Work: Transportation Issues and Opportunities in Miami-Dade County Final Report, 12/1998
- Welfare to Work: Transportation Issues and Opportunities in Miami-Dade County Final Report Executive Summary, 12/1998
- Work by FIU Metropolitan Center
- Managed by Elizabeth Rockwell
West Flagler Street Corridor Study 1997
Seek solutions to mobility problems and promote transportation modes other than single occupancy vehicles along West Flagler Street.
- West Flagler Street Corridor Study Final Report For Improving Mobility Specific Area Planning Report, 9/1997
- West Flagler Street Corridor Study Implementation Measures Report, 9/1998
- Work by Miami-Dade Planning, Development, and Regulation
- Managed by Susan Schreiber
Westchester Traffic Impact Study 2007
The study will evaluate current and future traffic conditions as a result of new development and roadway improvements in the Westchester area. The area is defined as having the Palmetto Expressway to the east, Krome Avenue to the west, SR-836 to the north, and SW 56th Street (Miller Drive) to the south.
- Work by Gannett Fleming
- Managed by Wilson Fernandez