Historical Documents
- Connector Route to Miami International Airport Economic Study, June 1965
- Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Commercial Model Development for Transportation Planning, November 1968
- Miami Urban Area Transportation Study Status Report (for the Year 1985) Book 1, March 1968
- Miami Urban Area Transportation Study The Principal Street & Highway Plan 1985: A Summary Report, April 1969
- Proposed Transportation Master Plan For Dade County: A Summary, February 1969
- 1978 Transportation Improvement Program (our first TIP!)
- 2000 Up-Date Supplemental Report S-1: Recommended Staging Of Implementation, December 1978
- A Feasibility Study on the Joint Utilization of Transportation Services Between the Metropolitan Transit Agency andthe Dade County Public School System Final Report, June 1978
- Controversial Corridors Review: Recommended Transportation Alternatives, October 1974
- Dade County Transit Development Program (SIMCUR-192), September 1973
- Dade County Transit Ridership Study, October 1975
- Downtown Government Center Master Plan, May 1976
- Miami: 3 Proposals for Downtown, September 1970
- Prospectus for Transportation Improvements (Draft), June 1977
- Proposed Dade Bikeway Plan, April 1972
- Rapid Transit System Preliminary Engineering Final Project Report, March 1979
- State of Florida Air Implementation Plan, January 1972
- Station Area Profile 12: Civic Center, October 1978
- Transit Development Program Interim Report 7 (SIMCUR-768-7), January 1972
- Transportation Plan For Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, Long Range Element Final Report, April 1979
- Trends in Metropolitan America, February 1977
- 1984 Transportation Disadvantaged Development Plan
- 1985 Transportation Disadvantaged Development Plan
- Biking to Work in Miami: The Complete Guide to Commuting by Bicycle in the Miami Area, August 1982
- Everglades Bike Trail System Study Phase One Corridor Study, Part One Preliminary Alternatives, June 1989
- Florida's High Speed Rail Study, September 1984
- General land use masterplan: Metropolitan Dade County, Florida
- High Speed Rail Task Force Report, November 1986
- HOV Conceptual Design Study Interim Report #1: South Dade, Palmetto and East-West Expressways, July 1985
- HOV Conceptual Design Study Interim Report #2: South Dade, Palmetto and East-West Expressways, December 1985
- Recommended 1985 principal street and highway plan: Miami area transportation study
- S.W. 120th Street Interchange with the Homestead Extension of Florida's Turnpike Preliminary Engineering Report, June 1985
- Building the Transportation System of the Future: Summary of Major Activities 1997-1998
- City of North Miami Beach MPO Municipal Grant Circulator Services End of Year Report, September 1998
- Florida High Speed Transportation System (FHSTS) Proposal Chapter II: Florida's Travel and Transportation Market, October 1995
- Local Option Gas Tax Expenditure Report, February 1996
- Northwest 27th Avenue Origin-Destination Study On-Board and Telephone Surveys, March 1990
- The Historical Impacts of Transportation Projects in the Overtown Community, March 1998
- Transportation Enhancements Program 1999
- I-95 HOV Systems Plan Phase II System-wide Operations Study Technical Memorandum #1: Data Analysis, May 2002 (draft)
- Orange Line Phase 2: North Corridor Metrorail Extension New Starts Financial Plan, September 2007
- Summary of Studies 2002