Transportation Planning Organization
Documents, Activities & Events
The US-1 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study explored alternatives to enhance safe mobility for pedestrians and bicyclist across US-1 at the Coconut Grove, Dadeland North, and Dadeland South Metrorail Stations. The proposed improvements included pedestrian-bicycle bridges, upgraded infrastructure, enhanced signalization, and improved crosswalks. The study aimed to (1) prioritize safety, mobility, and accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing US-1 and (2) promote transit use by offering safer and more accessible connections for pedestrians and bicyclists to the Metrorail system.
SMART STEP Evaluation Report
Miami-Dade TPO’s SMART Street Transportation Enhancement Program (STEP) was launched in 2021 with eleven projects aimed at addressing access and mobility challenges in both the Urban Mobility and Non-Urban Core areas. The program recommends safety improvements at major crosswalks to enhance mobility for the impaired, incorporating features such as high-visibility crosswalks, ADA-compliant pedestrian facilities, and continuous bicycle pathways. This report assesses the progress of the SMART STEP projects and highlights “lessons learned” to improve the efficiency of future initiatives. Of the eleven projects, eight have been completed to date (September 2024), while the remaining are either programmed or under evaluation for further consideration. This document identifies factors that contributed to the success as well as challenges encountered during the project development and implementation phases.
Miami-Dade 2050 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan
The Miami-Dade 2050 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan outlines a long-term vision for improving walking and bicycling in the region, helping to create a safer, more equitable, and more sustainable environment for Miami-Dade County residents. This Master Plan builds upon the Miami-Dade 2045 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan and provides a blueprint to address current and future needs, focusing primarily on daily commuters and those projects which support safety for the greatest number of people each day. The Master Plan is fully coordinated and integrated with the recommendations made in the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), also known as the SMART M.A.P. (Mobility. Accessibility. Prosperity.) regarding non-motorized strategies.
2024 Freight Plan Update
The Miami-Dade TPO updates the Miami-Dade County Freight Plan on a regular basis in alignment with the TPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) update. In addition to developing a list of projects for funding consideration within the LRTP, this report highlights the importance of freight mobility in Miami-Dade County and documents how the county’s freight industry has evolved over time.
People Mover Technology as an Option to Further Extend the Reach of the SMART Program Study
This study assessed the application of Automated People Mover (APM), or similar technology, to extend and augment the reach of the Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Program in areas connecting to existing or future SMART Program corridors, and intermodal hubs where feasible. Additionally, it provides the necessary information to evaluate and develop viable concepts consistent with the Miami-Dade TPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The results of this study define five route alternatives that are intended to complement and build on Miami-Dade County’s transportation network and to ensure greater integration with the SMART Program.
Enhancing SRTS Along the South Dade Trail Feasibility Study
The feasibility study examined the need for improved bicycle and pedestrian access to public schools in South Miami-Dade along the South Dade Trail and assessed the current Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program’s capacity to meet these needs. The SRTS program is a funded program aimed at making walking and biking to and from school safe, practical, and enjoyable. The South Dade Trail, spanning from Dadeland to Florida City, connects numerous municipalities which represent some of the fastest growing communities in Miami-Dade County. The study identified key opportunities for improvement and proposed enhancements along the trail in three phases: Short-Term (3-5 years), Mid-Term (5-7 years), and Long-Term (10+ years).
Gain insights about recent analyses and studies completed by TPO.

View the 2050 LRTP here
Annual Report

The Miami-Dade TPO’s 2023 Annual Report details the accomplishments the Miami-Dade TPO Governing Board and staff achieved. Among the many milestones summarized in the report, the most significant accomplishment was the TPO Governing Board’s adoption of the largest Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in agency history, funded at over $12 Billion in transportation investments over the next five years.
Over $6 billion is programmed for highway/expressway/state roads and arterials, while over $5 billion is programmed for intermodal, transit, seaport, and aviation. The remaining TIP categories include bicycle, pedestrian, trails, and local roads. Read the report to see all TPO achievements in 2023.
View the 2023 Annual Report as a Flipbook or download the PDF.

The UPWP describes transportation planning priorities and activities managed by the Miami-Dade TPO. The program includes specific tasks for the TPO and our planning partners that will be performed every two years. Our current UPWP is being carried out from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026, and outlines the planning, projects, budget, and activities that support the comprehensive and multimodal transportation improvement program approved for Miami-Dade County.
View the FYs 2025 and 2026 UPWP here
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

View the FYs 2025-2029 TIP here and Citizens Version here
On January 30, 2025, the Miami-Dade TPO Governing Board recognized TPO’s new transportation safety influencer “Mobility Guardian” with its winning design created by students from New World School of the Arts (NWSA) ninth grade Digital Imaging/3D Studies/Entrepreneurial class. This project was unanimously approved by the TPO Governing Board to promote educational opportunities and exchanges with Miami-Dade County Public School Board.
This collaboration was led by TPO Executive Director, Aileen Bouclé, AICP, and management team including TPO Deputy Director-Administration, Zainab Salim, MPA, alongside NWSA Principal, Dr. Contessa Bryant, and NWSA teacher, Mr. Ray Parris.
Along with Mobility Guardian, Mobility Maven and Mobility Maverick were chosen as Mobility Guardian’s friends as the “Transportation Safety Influencers.”
Congratulations to all students who particpated!