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Involvement Opportunities

The Miami-Dade TPO understands the importance of the general public's involvement in the transportation planning process. The below information, as well as the left tabbed sections are available to assist you in being fully engaged with us!

The Miami-Dade TPO’s 2023 Annual Report details the accomplishments achieved by the Miami-Dade TPO Governing Board and staff. Among the many milestones summarized in the report, the most significant accomplishment was the TPO Governing Board’s adoption of the largest Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) in agency history, funded at over $12 Billion in transportation investments over the next five years. Over $6 Billion is programmed in highway/expressway/state roads and arterials, while over $5 Billion is programmed for intermodal, transit, seaport, and aviation. The remaining TIP categories include bicycle, pedestrian, trails, and local roads. Read the report now to see all TPO achievements in 2023.

View the 2023 Annual Report as a Flipbook and/or download the PDF.

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) is a Federal requirement, which is updated periodically to ensure compliance with newly released federal and state regulations. Public involvement is an integral process with a goal to involve all persons in a community being affected positively or negatively by a future transportation project. 
The PPP provides general guidelines for the development of stand-alone, specific public involvement plans for the TPO's required major planning documents, programs, and studies. This affords flexibility to TPO Project Managers to tailor PI techniques and strategies to a community's demographics within a study area.
Miami-Dade TPO maintains an interactive suite of online tools under the Equitable Transportation Assessment Planner (ETAP) central landing page, which includes the Equitable Assessment (EA) Tool, Public Outreach Planner, Congestion Management Dashboard (CMD), Sea Level Rise (SLR) Tool, Bicycle Route Planner, Walk to School Route Planner, Transit Oriented Communities Tool, and the Modeling Travel Demand Forecasting Tool. This one-stop-shop allows transportation professionals to access multiple tools to assist them with identifying and addressing any identifiable equity issues. The EA Tool enables users to gain immediate insight about social equity indexes and transportation accessibility within Miami-Dade County. This social equity index will be based upon research and analysis according to community characteristics, such as, but not limited to, literacy rates, income levels, cultural composition, etc. Users have access to user-friendly visualization and infographic outputs to gain a complete understanding about any potential equity issues facing planned transportation projects.

Access ETAP here

Do you have more questions concerning the Transportation Outreach Planner site? Contact Elizabeth Rockwell by email or at 305-375-1881.